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Scenario: A Citrix Administrator is configuring balancing on a NetScaler appliance for the company web servers. The administrator needs to create a custom monitor that will look for a specific keyword response from the website and will be used to keep the services in anUP state.Which type of monitor can the administrator create to accomplish this scenario?
A. An HTTP-ECV monitor with the keyword in the Special Parameters- Receive String field.
B. A customer TCP-ECV monitor with the keyword in the Special Parameters- Receive String field.
C. An HTTP monitor with the keyword in the Special Parameters- Response Codes field.
D. A TCP monitor with the keyword in the Special Parameters- Response Codes field.
A Citrix Administrator needs to migrate a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) Proxy configuration based on NetScaler 11.1 to NetScaler 12.0.Which three actions can the administrator perform to accomplish this requirement? (Choose three.)
A. Replace an existing Unified Gateway virtual server with RDP Proxy configuration to a load-balancing virtual server with the AAA-TM server bound to it
B. Move the existing NetScaler Gateway virtual server with RDP Proxy configuration, placing it behind a Unified Gateway virtual server
C. Keep the existing NetScaler Gateway virtual server with RDP Proxy configuration as is, with a Platinum or Enterprise license
D. Add a standalone NetScaler Gateway virtual server with RDP Proxy configuration to an existing Standard Edition appliance
E. Add a NetScaler Gateway virtual server with RDP Proxy configuration to an existing Content-Switching virtual server
Scenario: A Citrix Administrator needs to integrate LDAP for NetScaler system administration using the current Active Directory groups. The administrator created the group on the NetScaler, exactly matching the group name in LDAP.What can the administrator add next to complete the configuration of the LDAP?
A. Users to the group on the NetScaler
B. An AAA action to the group
C. A command policy to the group to specify the permission level
D. A nested group to the new group
Which type of entity can a Citrix Administrator configure to support the use of an SSL rewrite policy?
A. Global server load balancing virtual server
B. Content Switching virtual server
C. SSL load balancing virtual server
D. SSL_Bridge balancing virtual server