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CIMA F3 Exam Dumps

Financial Strategy

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CIMA F3 Sample Questions

Question # 1

A company needs to raise $20 million to finance a project.It has decided on a rights issue at a discount of 20% to its current market share price.There are currently 20 million shares in issue with a nominal value of $1 and a market price of $5 per share.Calculate the terms of the rights issue.

A. 1 new share for every 4 existing shares
B. 1 new share for every 20 existing shares
C. 1 new share for every 5 existing shares
D. 1 new share for every 25 existing shares

Question # 2

A company is based in Country Y whose functional currency is Y$. It has an investment in  This year the company expects to generate Z$ 10 million profit after tax.Tax Regime:  • Corporate income tax rate in country Y is 50%   • Corporate income tax rate in country Z is 20%   • Full double tax relief is availableAssume an exchange rate of Y$ 1 = Z$ 5.What is the expected profit after tax in Y$ if the Z$ profit is remitted to Country Y?

A. Y$ 1.25 million
B. Y$ 1.00 million
C. Y$ 31.25 million
D. Y$ 4.00 million

Question # 3

A company's Board of Directors is assessing the likely impact of financing future new projects using either equity or debt.The directors are uncertain of the effects on key variables.Which THREE of the following statements are true?

A. The choice between using either equity or debt will have no impact on the amount of corporate income tax payable.
B. Retained earnings has no cost, and is therefore the cheapest form of equity finance.
C. Debt finance is always preferable to equity finance.
D. Debt finance will increase the cost of equity.
E. Equity finance will reduce the overall financial risk.
F. Equity finance will increase pressure to pay a higher total future dividend.

Question # 4

A company is currently all-equity financed.The directors are planning to raise long term debt to finance a new project.The debt:equity ratio after the bond issue would be 30:60 based on estimated market values.According to Modigliani and Miller's Theory of Capital Structure without tax, the company's cost of equity would:

A. stay the same.
B. decrease.
C. increase.
D. increase or decrease depending on the bond's coupon rate.

Question # 5

Company X is an established, unquoted company which provides IT advisory services.The company's results and cashflows are growing steadily and it has few direct competitors due to the very specialised nature of it's business. Dividends are predictable and paid annually.Company P is looking to buy 30% of company X's equity shares.Which TWO of the following methods are likely to be considered most suitable valuation methods for valuing company P's investment in Company X?

A. Asset based using replacement cost
B. Dividend based using DVM
C. Cash based using free cash flow before interest
D. P/E ratio method using IT industry average
E. Earnings yield method using a listed IT company as proxy