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How is recurring delivery similar to a continuous delivery?
A. Both deliveries append record to the delivery log
B. Both deliveries can be sent multiple times
C. Both deliveries can be modified in the delivery step
D. Both deliveries create new delivery logs
What are the three possible consequences of choosing and deploying an incorrect campaign template?(Choose three.)
A. The campaign template workflow could query incorrect individuals
B. The campaign template workflow could send out the wrong type of delivery
C. The campaign template could cause problems with reporting
D. The campaign template could send to individual without a delivery selected
In a campaign workflow, how should a Business Practitioner ensure that Adobe Campaign retains databetween intermediate activities?
A. by selecting "Log SQL queries in the journal" option in the workflow properties
B. by displaying the target at each step in the workflow
C. by storing data passed between activities to temporary worktables
D. by selecting the "Keep the results of interim populations between two executions" option in the workflow properties
The entire list of recipients for a campaign is unavailable at the start of an A/B test. The final list of therecipients will be placed in the finalRecipients folder but they will be loaded by the time the A/B test iscomplete. To start the A/B test, a list of exclusive recipients is used for the initial deliveries in the foldertestRecipients.How should the Business Practitioner modify the workflow diagram?
A. modify the existing query to query all recipients in folders 'testRecipients' and 'finalRecipients'
B. modify the original query to all recipients in 'testRecipients' and modify the split activity to query the folder 'finalRecipients' in the complement
C. add the enrichment after the wait to add all recipients in the 'finalRecipients' folder to the complement from the split activity
D. modify the original query to all recipients in 'testRecipients': change the A & B branches to 50% each, and add a new query after the wait to get all recipients in the 'finalRecipients' folder
More than one person in an approval operator group responds to an approval activity that requires a single response. What is the result?
A. The workflow errors if people in the operator group give different responses.
B. The workflow resumes after the first person in the operator group responds.
C. The workflow errors if more than one person from the operator group responds.
D. The workflow pauses until all members of the operator group responds.