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An architect wants to create a composite blueprint with nested components but cannot see the needed component in the blueprints list of the design canvas.What is a possible reason for this issue?
A. The nested blueprint is not published.
B. The nested blueprint is an XaaS blueprint.
C. The nested blueprint does not have the _deploymentName custom property set.
D. The nested blueprint is not part of an entitlement.
A vRealize Automation administrator is installing vRealize Automation using the installation wizard. The administrator cannot see any Windows servers in which to install IaaS components.Which agent must be installed on the IaaS Windows servers?
A. Guest Agent
B. Management Agent
C. Software Bootstrap Agent
D. Proxy Agent
What is a specific instance of a completed or running workflow called?
A. Workflow event
B. Workflow token
C. Workflow attribute
D. Workflow status
Which option in a composite blueprint’s settings allows an architect to modify the CPU and memory limits of provisioned virtual machines?
A. Increase number of instances
B. Propagate updates to existing deployments
C. Make available as a component in the design canvas
D. Make provisioned resources scalable