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What activity is used to get a column value from a specific row of a data table? Options are :
A. Get Row Item
B. Read Cell
C. Write Cell
D. Remove Data Row
Downloading a report from a web application takes a variable amount of time, but a pop-up window is shown when the download is finished. What should you do to check whether the file has been fully downloaded before continuing the process? Options are :
A. Set the WaitForReady property to Complete
B. Use the On Element Appear activity and indicate the download pop-up window
C. Use the Element Exist activity and indicate the download pop-up window
Which of the following tasks can be automated using StudioX? Options are :
A. Creating a PowerPoint presentation using information from a Word file
B. Moving files between folders on your computer
C. Sending emails using Outlook
D. Getting data from an Excel file and inputting it into a web application
What type of argument can you define to pass data and retrieve the modified value from an invoked workflow? Options are :
A. In
B. In/Out
C. Out
What are the uses of Web Scrapping in UiPath? Options are :
A. Extracting lists or other structured data from a web page
B. Extracting all the information from a web page
C. Extracting the images from a web page
D. Extracting the content of a table from a web page
How can you trigger another workflow from within your current workflow? Options are :
A. You cannot trigger another workflow
B. By using the invoke method activity
C. By using the invoke workflow file activity
D. By using the open application activity
Which of the following are considered best practices? Select all the options that apply Options are :
A. Reusing workflows across different projects
B. Keeping environment settings hard coded inside workflows
C. Breaking the process into smaller workflows