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Which fields can you include in the check for duplicate invoices in Customizing for Logistics Invoice Verification?There are 3 correct answers to this question.Response:
A. Posting date
B. Reference
C. Invoice date
D. Terms of payment
E. Company code
Which field selection key is used in combination with a document category in SAP Materials Management?Please choose the correct answer.Response:
A. Activity category
B. Document type
C. Item category
D. Release status
What controls the field selection of purchase requisitions?Please choose the correct answer.Response:
A. Document type
B. Plant
C. Material group
D. Purchasing organization
Where do you select the default setting for the order acknowledgement indicator in SAP Materials Management?There are 3 correct answers to this question.Response:
A. In the vendor master record
B. In the purchasing group
C. In the personal setting of the purchase order
D. In the business function LOG_MM_CL1
E. In the parameter EVO
How does the industry sector influence the material master in SAP Materials Management?There are 2 correct answers to this question. Response:
A. It determines the screen sequence.
B. It controls allowed procurement types
C. It affects the display of specific fields
D. It determines the number range interval.