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Most of our customers choose Dumpsspot's C_TS413_1909 study guide that contains questions and answers that help them to pass the exam on the first try. Out of them, many have passed the exam with a passing rate of 98% to 100% by just training online.
Dumpsspot puts the best C_TS413_1909 Dumps question and answers forward for the students who want to clear the exam in their first go. We provide a guarantee of 100% assurance. You will not have to worry about passing the exam because we are here to take care of that.
Which of the following is true about a maintenance planning plant?
A. The maintenance planning plant and the maintenance plant can never be the same.
B. It is the highest-level element of all the organizational units.
C. The Plant at which the operational systems of a company are installed is called themaintenance plant.
D. If maintenance work is planned at this plant, the maintenance plant is also themaintenance planning plant.
Which edition allows more extensive customer modifications?
A. Cloud edition
B. On-premise edition
What characterizes the architecture of a simple application?
A. Reduction in number of tables
B. Push data-intensive tasks to SAP HANA
C. Use of dedicated aggregation tables
D. No data redundancy
E. Works with any database
What does a virtual data model provide?
A. A copy of the database optimized for analytical use
B. Consumption-ready views of data
C. Reporting tools for users
D. Ready-to-use business reports