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A customer needs to have division administrators so that each administrator can access user records in their own division across three continents. Their divisions include Sales, HR, and IT and each division exists in three continents: Europe, North America, and Asia. How should this customer design their security model to support the Sales division administrator role? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question
A. Create a domain restriction that includes all of the Sales domains
B. Create subdomains for Europe Sales, North America Sales and Asia Sales and place them under each continent domain
C. Create Sales administrator accounts and place them in domains for each continent
D. Create domain restriction that include all divisions in Europe, all divisions in North America and all divisions in Asia
Which of the following cab be assigned directly to a user?
A. An item with online content
B. A content object
C. A content package
D. An exam-type Assessment object
What are the advantages of using the internally-configured (productized) AICC wrapper in SuccessFactors Learning? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. The wrapper marks the content object complete for a user when a certain amount of time is spent in the content
B. The wrapper presents websites and documents to the user that are only marked complete when the user accepts an acknowledgement.
C. The wrapper displays the message and action buttons that can be localized so that users see them in their preferred language
D. The wrapper publishes the content at AlCC-compliant standards.
Your customer wants to user the same certificate of completion for all new items and programs. Where should the certificate be selected in order to satisfy this requirement? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Default Certificate Template for Items
B. Item record: Certificate Template
C. Program record: Certificate Template
D. Default Certificate Template for Programs
What character encoding does SAP SuccessFactors support for the user connector?
C. USC-2
D. UTF-8
A SuccessFactors Learning customer requires an approval process to be completed successfully whenever users record completion of an existing item for themselves where can this be configured? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. In System Admin -> Configuration^ User Settings-> User-recorded Learning Event Approval Settings-> Require approval when users record external events
B. In System Admin -> Configuration^ Global Variables-> Electronic Signatures Settings> External Event additional Approval Process ID
C. In System Admin -> Configuration-^ Global Variables-> Electronic Signatures Settings> Completion Status additional Approval Process ID
D. In System Admin -> Configuration^ User Settings-> User-recorded Learning Event Approval Settings-> Require approval when users record internal events