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What value can you select when you execute the Reset Process Instance program?
A. Date and time
A. Date and time
B. user Id
C. Copy Mode
D. Process Instance ID
Which authorization object do you assign to payroll administrators to use the Payroll Control Center?
A. Payroll Data Source Instance (P_PYD_AUTH)
B. PCTR Authorization Concept (P_P_CTR_AUT)
C. Source Instance (P_PYD_INST)
D. Payroll Data Source Class (P_PYD_CLS)
You need to assign the API permission to the SFAPI user using Permission Assignment API. Which API permission do you assign?
A. Employee Central HRIS SOAP API
B. Employee Central HRIS ODATAAPI
C. Employee Central Foundation ODATAAPI
D. Employee Central Foundation SOAP API
What does the RPDELPTINT utility report perform when you run it for a specified batch? There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. It deletes employee time data.
B. It reprocesses the batch.
C. It deletes employee payroll results.
D. It deletes data from the staging area of PTEX2000, PTEX2010 and PTEXDIR.
E. It restores deleted employee time data.
What is the maximum field length of the cost center foundation object?
A. 8
B. 4
C. 10
D. 2
What configuration needs to be performed to avoid the creation of new employees after data migration?
A. Update the feature for defaulting employee numbers (NUMKR) for internal number assignment when hiring new employees.
B. Populate the key mapping table with the mapping of PERNRIDs in Employee Central to Employee Central Payroll.
C. Maintain personnel number ranges with the external number range switch.
D. Enable the Employee Subgroup (ES) switch in the Personnel Act on Types in the Set Up Personnel Actions configuration step.