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In analyzing a project for monthly status reporting, the project manager notices that theschedule performance index (SPI) is 0.75 and the cost performance index (CPI) is 1 25The project manager must provide the first project status review soon and wants toemphasize that the project is under controlHow should the project manager report the project status to key stakeholders?
A. Prepare a detailed presentation for stakeholders on earned value including how it iscalculated and the project's current earned value results
B. Report that the project is behind schedule but that an additional experienced resourcecan be added to stay within schedule and maintain the budget.
C. Perform a detailed root cause analysis utilizing a pareto chart and fishbone diagrams todemonstrate that the project is under control.
D. Report that the project is not tracking as expected, but is still under control since thenext project milestone is over a month away
During the implementation of a project the project team discovered a new opportunity Afteran internal review the project team agreed that the opportunity is outside of the projectscope The project manager decided to update the risk register and escalate the opportunityto a higher levelWhat should the project manager do next with this opportunity?
A. Share this opportunity with another project
B. Establish a contingency reserve to support the opportunity
C. Further monitor the opportunity
D. No more action is required
A key stakeholder for a construction project has been spending a lot of time at the site andinterrupting the team's efforts What should the project manager do in this situation?
A. Work to understand the key stakeholder's concerns and provide feedback in regularproject status reports
B. Arrange an ad hoc meeting to address the key stakeholder's concerns with teammembers
C. Reinforce with the key stakeholder that the project is performing on schedule\
D. Escalate the situation to the project sponsor because the key stakeholder's behavior isimpacting progress
After reviewing the project management plan with key stakeholders, the project managerwas told that an 18-month release plan was unacceptable and the product should launch insix months. Based on the new timeline, what should the project manager do?
A. Plan for overtime, apply crashing and fast tracking and share the risk of failure withproject stakeholders.
B. Review the project backlog looking for high-priority items and come up with a minimumviable product (MVP) that fits the expected timeline
C. Seek approval with the sponsor to triple the project budget, hiring more people tocompensate for the compressed schedule
D. Go over the critical path with stakeholders, explaining why it is not possible to deliver allthe scope in the expected timeline
During the course of a project the project manager's immediate director is communicatingdirectly with the client to approve changes without the project manager's knowledge This is causing confusion in the project team where the scope is changing in the background, butonly being mentioned in project meetingsHow should the project manager handle this?
A. Communicate directly with the director and inform them of the communicationsmanagement plan
B. Communicate directly with the client stating that any scope changes must go throughthe project manager
C. Review the stakeholder engagement plan and put in place any existing actionsaccordingly
D. Discuss the issues with the project team and let them know that the project manager willhandle scope changes
The project manager has observed that two team members have been arguing with eachother openly at meetings To push their ideas through, each team member individuallyspoke with the sponsor directly and made decisions without informing the project manageror other team membersWhat two actions should project manager take? (Choose two)
A. Ask the team members to work it out themselves
B. Discuss this situation with other project managers and ask for advice
C. Reiterate ground rules at the next meeting and ensure that all team members are clearabout these rules.
D. Address the behavioral issue with each team member
E. Discuss the behavior directly with their managers and request them to correct thebehavior.
A product company is transforming the way it develops and releases products in the marketExecutives believe that this is a high-risk initiative, and this initiative must be successfulWhat should the project manager do in this scenario?
A. Develop a business case with assumptions for the new model
B. Develop a communications management plan to inform the employees about the newbusiness model
C. Adopt an iterative rollout approach that delivers the highest business value earlier
D. Develop a detailed sprint plan with clear deliverables
A project manager is assigned to lead a newly formed agile team. The functional managerhas assigned tasks to team members, but the team members do not feel empowered.How can the project manager promote empowerment and accountability among the team?
A. Assign the tasks individually based on the role of the team member to ensure expertiseon the subject.
B. Encourage and assign the team to perform demos of their products or software with thecustomers
C. Give the team autonomy to make their own decisions on how to perform the tasks.
D. Encourage the team to keep the product owner involved when choosing ways to resolvethe given task
A project manager has been asked to lead a project. The performing organization does nothave a project management office (PMO) or formal governance policies procedures, andguidelines for this type of projectWhat should the project manager do first to determine a governance approach for theproject?
A. Consult a subject matter expert (SME) as to the best governance policies, procedures,and guidelines to be used by the project
B. Consult with team members and stakeholders to determine whether the organizationhas any informal governance policies procedures, and guidelines
C. Choose either a predictive or agile framework best suited to the nature of the project,and use this framework as the basis for project governance policies, procedures, andguidelines
D. Coach the self-managing team to produce tailored governance policies, procedures andguidelines for the project
In the beginning of project execution, the project manager finds out that a key resource willbe unavailable for two weeks which could cause a delay to the schedule What should theproject manager do first?
A. Assign the tasks to another resource, and ask the resource to work double shifts
B. Update the schedule to reflect the project's changes in duration
C. Ask human resources (HR) for a replacement, and update the nsk register
D. Update the resource management plan and resource allocation chart accordingly
During a retrospective review, many project team members say they are not completingtasks during the iterations because of interruptions and requests for help from other teamsAs a team facilitator, what should the project manager do to avoid this?
A. Identify the problem's root causes and define the ground rules with all project teammembers to minimize interferences
B. Hire a coach to help all project teams to improve their abilities to solve problems ontheir own.
C. Reunite with the project team members affected and tell them not to reduce the team'scapacity
D. Recommend to the project team members that they should improve their planningand make their stones smaller
A project manager is in rapid development mode on a joint application developmentmodule The company wants delivery to occur in two weeks The module needs to beintegrated with other modules on a similar timeline, but release management has a threeweekbacklogWhat should the project manager do?
A. Push the team to deliver more so that the modules are developed and rolled outaccording to management's request
B. Speak to the stakeholders to resolve the bottleneck and see how the entire process canbe streamlined
C. Have the team work toward the tighter deadline so that integration will be easier.
D. Speak to the team and slow the current pace to ensure the team is in alignment with therelease date
A project manager has two projects that are being executed at the same time The durationof the critical project must be reduced, but the project manager does not have enoughresources to achieve this goal In addition, the schedule does not have activities that can beoverlappedWhat should the project manager do?
A. Analyze both projects to determine the most effective use of common resources
B. Use resource optimization to justify requesting more resources for the critical project
C. Provide schedule optimization training to the project teams to improve their skills.
D. Apply fast-tracking techniques to compress the schedule of the critical project
Which two actions should a project manager consider while launching a new virtual team?(Choose two)
A. Recruit the best resources within the organization to be part of the virtual team
B. Evaluate the project manager’s own strengths and weaknesses as a virtual team leaderto identify avoidable pitfalls
C. Identify the types and quantities of resources required for each work package or activity
D. Establish in the beginning, how progress will be monitored and the best means forcommunicating progress
E. Verify if team members are on more than one team and cannot devote enough time tothis team
After reviewing the project management plan with key stakeholders, the project managerwas told that an 18-month release plan was unacceptable and the product should launch insix months. Based on the new timeline, what should the project manager do?
A. Plan for overtime apply crashing and fast tracking and share the risk of failure withproject stakeholders
B. Review the project backlog looking for high-priority items and come up with a minimumviable product (MVP) that fits the expected timeline
C. Seek approval with the sponsor to triple the project budget, hiring more people tocompensate for the compressed schedule
D. Go over the critical path with stakeholders, explaining why it is not possible to deliver allthe scope in the expected timeline
A Scrum team has committed to delivering a specific capability in their first release Multipleoperational issues have prevented the developer from delivering key capabilities. Thetechnical lead has also given notice that they are resigning from the companyWhat should the project manager have the Scrum team do to recover from these issues?
A. Review constraints in the ongoing sprint planning and evaluate options for the releaseplan
B. Stop the sprint and replan and prioritize the backlog to reduce resource levels
C. Consult the resource management plan for an appropriate response
D. Continue with existing sprint plans to ensure some of the scope will be delivered
The project team follows a hybrid framework for its delivery. During the execution of aproject, the team learns of a new compliance requirement that has to be delivered beforeany other requirementsHow should the project manager address this situation?
A. Ask the team to include the compliance requirement in the current sprint and deliver it.
B. Add the new compliance requirement to the backlog as the technical team does nothave any capacity.
C. Include the compliance lead in the stakeholders list and wait for the next status meeting
D. Collaborate with the compliance team member to review and prioritize the requirement’sdelivery
A project sponsor commonly asks the project manager to skip project retrospectives due totime constraints However the project manager persists in running this critical ceremony byreducing the time for preparation and for discussionWhat are two issues that these actions by the project manager could cause? (Choose two)
A. A lot of discussions that yield no results or possibly too many results
B. A lack of direction and motivation for the team in the workshop
C. Lessons learned from other teams to not be considered
D. Time management plan for the retrospective workshop to not be updated
E. A focus on the negative and a disinterest in further improvements
A project manager is assigned to a project in a company that is transitioning to agile Not allstakeholders believe in the project, and some stakeholders would like the entire projectdefined and planned out early in the project However the project sponsor needs a quick winto ensure the continuation of the project.What approach should the project manager use?
A. An agile approach as this would provide working functionality earlier
B. A predictive approach as this would please the senior stakeholders
C. A hybrid project as this will mitigate stakeholders' concerns.
D. A predictive approach as this will show benefits for all stakeholders
A large project is affecting the neighborhood in which it is located The neighbors are notsatisfied with the project and their resistance to the project may affect the project deadlineWhat two actions should the project manager take'? (Choose two)
A. Send letters to the neighbors and ask them kindly not to disturb the project.
B. Set up a meeting with neighborhood representatives to win their cooperation
C. Analyze the situation and find out what is causing the neighborhood's negative attitude.
D. Ask the customer to extend the project deadline to allow time for conflict resolution
E. Ask the mayor of the city to use their authority to stop neighborhood resistance
A stakeholder on a project has a reputation for being easily angered and unreasonablydifficult on projects The project manager would like to minimize the impact of thestakeholder’s behavior on the development team.What training should the project manager choose for their team to help with this situation?
A. Communication training
B. Negotiation training
C. Emotional intelligence training
D. Agile training.
A project for a new product launch is in a very initial stage and the requirements areevolving Due to stiff competition in the market, the customer would like to launch theproduct keeping the scope flexible. The project team intends to start the work based on theforecast of a similar project delivered last year Which project approach suits the scenario?
A. Execute it as a Scrum project
B. Execute it as a predictive project
C. Execute it using the same approach as the reference project
D. Execute it as a project with stage gates
A project manager for a strategic initiative realizes a new stakeholder is interested in theproject and wants to ensure the stakeholder is fully aware of the goals, objectives, benefits,and risks of the project. What should the project manager do to enhance the success of theproject?
A. Add the new stakeholder to the communications management plan
B. Share the project status reports with the new stakeholder.
C. Update the stakeholder engagement plan
D. Schedule a meeting with the new stakeholder
A project manager is assigned to a project within a program. The high-level requirements ofthe project are known, but the priorities of some of the requirements are uncertain as theyare interdependent on some other pipeline projects within the program.How should the project manager prepare for the next steps of the project?
A. Escalate to the management team to increase the timeline based on the complexity ofthe project
B. Wait for the other project estimates before planning the schedule
C. Prioritize and estimate the milestones for the high-level requirements based on historicaldata
D. Ask the project management office (PMO) to estimate the tasks for all the projects andshare the project management plan
A project manager is managing an innovation project for a big corporation The projectmanager is planning to use email as the main communication channel, however, theproduct owner prefers to use another approved communication tool instead of emailWhat should the project manager do?
A. Contact the sponsor to request direction regarding the communication tool to be used bythe project team
B. Update the communications management plan based on the product owner’spreferences and distribute to the team
C. Suggest to the team to start using the communication tool suggested by the productowner
D. Request the product owner to use email because using another tool will increase theworkload
During the last sprint review, the mam stakeholder complained that the product wasmissing many features they had been expecting The project team argued that everyincrement met the acceptance criteria and was approved by the mam stakeholder The costperformance index (CPI) of the project is 1 15 and the schedule performance index (SPI) is1.43What should the project manager do?
A. Ask the project team to perform the modifications since the project budget and schedulecan support them.
B. Ask the stakeholder to submit a change request to increase the budget and time for themodifications requested
C. Explain to the stakeholder that since the acceptance criteria for every increment weremet the project can be closed.
D. Analyze the reason for the gap in understanding with both sides and negotiate a solution
The marketing team is transitioning to using hybrid approaches for their projects. Themarketing director is not knowledgeable about hybrid methodologies and the projectmanager needs the director’s support as the marketing director is a key stakeholder.What should the project manager do to obtain the support?
A. Ask the marketing director to participate in daily meetings
B. Mentor the marketing director on hybrid approaches
C. Ask the marketing team members to coach the director
D. Tram the marketing team and keep the director informed
After a meeting with the customer, the project manager receives special recognitionbecause the project is always on schedule Later that day, the project manager attends aregular project team meeting to follow up on the status of the deliverables.What should the project manager do in the project team meeting?
A. Share the customer feedback with the project team
B. Follow the meeting agenda and make a list of the next deliverables
C. Document this feedback in the meeting minutes.
D. Start planning how to improve the dates of next deliverables
A company is implementing a new system The project manager has identified that it is bestto complete this project using a mix of Scrum and Kanban methodologies The productowner is confused as to how to start delivering the functionalities requiredHow should the project manager assist the product owner?
A. Coach the product owner on how to create a product backlog
B. Encourage the team to subdivide the project tasks
C. Create a work breakdown structure (WBS) and explain the deliverables to the productowner
D. Discuss the product owner's responsibilities within the project team
An agile project is running activities to define the minimum viable product (MVP) During thesession, the project manager identifies some mandatory regulations but there is noconsensus to include these regulations in the MVP because it may extend the duration ofthe projectWhat should the project manager do?
A. Train the team on the new regulations as requested by management
B. Get commitment from the team to include all of the required regulations
C. Ask the project sponsor to add more time to the project.
D. Share with participants the need to focus only on product functionality
In a hybrid project, the customer decided on a major change for the project design. Thischange was approved and the impact on schedule and budget is known The software teamleader, who is supposed to develop the software, refuses to commit to delivery datesclaiming that they work using an agile approach and cannot commit to a final delivery dateThe hardware team depends on this software to develop their part of the productWhat should the project manager do?
A. Add this risk to the risk register and monitor it according to the risk management plan
B. Escalate this to higher management and ask for help to resolve the issue.
C. Impose the delivery dates on the software team leader and notify the functional managerabout the situation
D. Ask the software team leader to use a predictive approach and commit to a delivery date
A large multi-year project requires highly skilled staff for successful deployment Themanagement team and the project sponsor have analyzed the resource requirements andagreed to have permanent staff hired for the project to avoid potential budget overrunHowever there is a risk of staff turnover during the course of the project, which may havean impact on the deliveryWhich two actions should the project manager take to mitigate this risk? (Choose two)
A. Introduce a recognition program to motivate and reward resource performance
B. Enhance the competencies of the project team through training, mentoring andcoaching.
C. Increase the trained staff to create back-up for resources
D. Meet with management to discuss dividing the project into smaller projects
E. Convince senior management to hire third-party staff
During the last sprint review the product owner stated that the product does not deliver anyvalue The project manager believes that the product meets all the provided specificationsThe team is confused by the product owner's statementWhat should the project manager do when using a hybrid approach?
A. Escalate the matter to the executive board so they can decide on next steps
B. Prioritize the project backlog and ask the development team to fix the issues
C. Review the project's benefits management plan with the product owner.
D. Ask the product owner to terminate the project as it is no longer aligned to the expectedbenefits
Some members of a project team are frustrated by a new team member who previouslyworked in a Scrum setting This new team member approaches members of the projectteam on a daily basis in what appears to be an attempt to engage in individual standupmeetingsWhat should the project manager do?
A. Schedule a meeting for the project team to review the communications managementplan.
B. Tell the rest of the project team to continue discussions with the new team member
C. Send an email to the project team outlining the communications strategy.
D. Mentor the new team member on the methodology the project team is using
Team members are having a discussion with the project manager In the last retrospective meeting, the team realized that the obsolete equipment could affect the next iteration of theproject The team recommends buying new equipment because it is critical to the successof the final deliverableWhat should the project manager do next?
A. Check the project budget to verify if there is enough contingency reserve
B. Review the cost management plan to determine how to address this issue
C. Tell the team members that more equipment is not part of the project's scope.
D. Submit a change request to increase the budget and buy new equipment
While reviewing prototypes, the quality team found some deviations that do not affect themam functionality but have the potential to be an issue in the future To avoid majorproblems in the future, the team recommends corrective actions that will require additionalfunds The project is already struggling to stay on budget and has even used some of thecontingency reservesWhat should the project manager do?
A. Ask the product designer why the deviation was not considered in the design phase
B. Report to the project sponsor that the product is working and the project is strugglingwith the budget.
C. Evaluate and initiate the change request process with the stakeholders
D. Ask the quality team to discard the sample and test again with a new sample
A project manager has been assigned to a project and receives the project charter from theproject management office (PMO) The document is very clear about customer requestsDuring Project Scope Management some requirements seem to be different from the onesspecified within the project charterWhat should the project manager do?
A. Modify the baseline of the project for minor impact changes to the project scope
B. Use a focus group and brainstorming sessions to gather more details about the projectscope
C. Register the changes in the configuration management plan and send it to the changecontrol board (CCB).
D. Explain to the sponsor that these requests could endanger the schedule and cost of theproject
A company has a lot of experience with predictive projects The project management office(PMO) has been trying to implement iterative tools within the project managementframework, and the project manager has been asked to use these tools in their currentproject After the successful implementation of the iterative tools, the PMO asks the projectmanager to determine the benefits these tools brought to the project.What should the project manager do?
A. Prepare and submit a status report to the steering committee to update performancemonitoring
B. Determine the data to be monitored during the project as well as the expectedperformance and targets.
C. Update the communications management plan to consider performance reviewmeetings with the project stakeholders
D. Conduct reviews with stakeholders to discuss the potential benefits the approach mayhave to the project
A company recently used desktop research for a feasibility study, which showed that theproject is behind schedule The project team also has concerns about the impact of scope changes on the project scheduleWhat should the project manager do to keep the project on schedule while still meetingproject objectives'?
A. Collaborate with the change control board (CCB) to review the scope and submit anychange requests
B. Submit a change request to the CCB and update the schedule
C. Update the scope and add more resources to the project
D. Update the scope and move on to the next project milestone
An agile project team is looking to develop quality standards for a project How should theproject manager coach the team?
A. Determine the tools and techniques suitable for the project and ensure that testing isdone early and continuously.
B. Inform the team that user acceptance testing is required to ensure that the productowner accepts the solution
C. Insist that test-driven development is implemented along with the automated testing
D. Ensure that the definition of done (DoD) is provided when the product owner agrees thatall acceptance criteria have been met for the user story
A new team member has joined an agile project, replacing a team member who recentlyleft The project team needs the new team member to speed up their ability to contributeeffectively to the projectWhat should the project manager do to help in this situation?
A. Assign the new team member the same tasks that were assigned to the previous teammember who they replaced
B. Schedule knowledge transfer sessions and assign less complex tasks to the new teammember
C. Send technical documentation to the new team member and schedule training for thenext iteration.
D. Have the new team member complete all of the company’s mandatory training
During the planning stage of a project the project manager realizes that a standardstakeholder engagement approach will not suffice One of the client representatives, who isnot a key decision maker, is extremely opinionated This client representative could becomea roadblock to progress due to their perceived level of authority during meetingsHow should the project manager handle this moving forward?
A. Ask that only key decision makers attend the project meetings.
B. Update the project schedule to cater to this particular stakeholder
C. Allocate time to gain buy-in from the stakeholder prior to key decision meetings.
D. Update the risk register to consider the possible project impacts
A project team is experiencing delays in completing a task that turned out to be morecomplex than initially estimated. This is a critical task that could impact current iterationgoalsWhat two options will help the team initially address this obstacle? (Choose two)
A. Escalate the issue to the project sponsor.
B. Review and update dependencies
C. Schedule a retrospective.
D. Conduct a root cause analysis.
E. Create a risk management plan.
The project charter was just approved and the project sponsor has given permission toproceed with the project The program manager has confirmed that one of the requestedkey resources is also needed on another project at the same time This will affect projectdeliveryWhat should the project manager do?
A. Pay overtime to key resource to get the work done outside of working hours
B. Have a meeting with project manager of the other project to find a resource optimizationsolution that works for both projects
C. Speak with the client to see if the project delivery deadline can be delayed due toresource availability
D. Talk to the program manager and about prioritizing this project over other projects so thekey resources are available
A company's new communication system will include online dashboard reporting. Theexecutive board might receive bi-weekly performance reports through the online dashboardWhat should the project manager do?
A. Review the project management plan
B. Update the stakeholder engagement plan.
C. Update the communications management plan
D. Review the configuration management plan.
A project manager has received an updated earned value analysis report The following arethe key findings from the report•Budget at completion = USS1 million•Earned value = US$0 7 million•Actual cost = US$0 75 million•Cost performance index = 0 933Based on this information, what should the project manager conclude about projectperformance'?
A. The project will be completed exactly as planned
B. The project will be easier to complete than planned
C. The project will be difficult to complete as planned.
D. The project will not be completed as planned
An executive sponsor of a predictive project asked a project manager experienced in agileto assess if a project could be executed using an agile approach What factor should theproject manager consider when determining if the project is suitable for an agile approach?
A. The project is an information technology project and has minimal impact to theorganization
B. The project scope can be decomposed into smaller parts, the first representing aminimum viable product (MVP).
C. The project scope is well defined and the requirements are prioritized
D. The project team has a colocated space and is capable of working together
A project manager who is new to an organization observes that an approaching deadline islikely to be missed because there have been some delays on the project due to a lack ofresources. What should the project manager do next?
A. Review the milestone list to determine which tasks can be fast-tracked
B. Review the risk management plan to identify the response strategy
C. Escalate the issue to the sponsor and debrief them about the situation
D. Organize a team meeting to discuss the next course of action
Important projects in the portfolio backlog need to be delivered Budget estimates areneeded to prioritize the projects How should the project budgets be estimated'?
A. The project is decomposed into features and based on the feature value and the velocityof the team, the team provides the estimate
B. Budget estimates are provided based on the experience of the sponsor, product ownerand team facilitator
C. The team facilitator uses historical data and arrives at an estimate based on the natureof the project.
D. The product owner obtains all project details and based on the team's experience andvelocity provides a budget estimate
Some of the mote experienced members of a project team have complained about theproject manager The senior project team members feel that the project manager ismicromanaging them and preventing them from completing their work.What should the project manager do when made aware of these issues?
A. Ask for advice on how to be a better mentor to these team members.
B. Set up a team building event to bring synergy back to the project team.
C. Adjust the project manager's management style to better fit senior team members.
D. Meet daily with each senior team member to monitor project status
One of a project manager’s team members is continuously improving This team memberhas been a role model and mentor to others in the organizationHow should the project manager acknowledge this team member’s commitment?
A. Send this person to a meeting to negotiate the scope with the client
B. Appreciate this team member’s performance throughout the project life cycle
C. Promote this team member to a coaching role after this project is completed
D. Document it in the team member’s end of year performance review
A team member shares with their functional manager some negative details about theperformance of another team member that was discussed during the retrospective. Theproject manager finds out about this discussionWhat two actions should the project manager take? (Choose two)
A. Contact the team member's functional manager and invite them to the next retrospective
B. Meet with the entire team to review the ground rules about safe environments
C. Meet with the product owner to talk about the situation.
D. Contact the team member to explain what information can be shared outside the team
E. Meet with the sponsor to review the situation.
An organization is transitioning to agile and a project has been chosen as a pilot Theassigned project manager only has experience using predictive approaches but the projectmanager is now required to use agile approaches with the help of an agile coach Duringthe retrospective of the fifth sprint, the project team complains that many obstacles existwith the organization that are creating project delays and reworkWhat should the project manager do in this situation?
A. Include impediment resolutions during daily standup meetings
B. Perform a root cause analysis during the standup meetings
C. Create a dedicated sprint to solve the obstacles with the team
D. Promote collaboration to help remove the obstacles for the team
The project sponsor of a major initiative is consistently changing the prioritization ofmodular work packages The team is used to three week sprints and is becomingincreasingly frustrated with the daily changes in scope>What should the project manager do?
A. Move to a Kanban strategy so that work can be reallocated more easily
B. Decrease the sprint cycle to the average repriontization request by calculating it in days
C. Set up a meeting with the project team and ask for their opinion on what to do
D. Set up a meeting with the sponsor to explain the importance of keeping a strict sprintcycle
An external project manager is managing the construction of new corporate offices for alarge company The project management plan states that it is necessary to contract a highlytrained external resource to revise and validate an important project component The clienthas rejected hiring the external resource because of the high cost even though it is withinthe project budget.What should the project manager do to resolve this issue?
A. Hire the resource in order to achieve the project objectives.
B. Ask the client for a meeting and explain that the task will not be performed
C. Evaluate the consequences and meet with the client to explain the possible scenarios.
D. Try to accomplish the task internally by leveling resources from other projects
A team has different ideas on how to address a feature of a product under constructionand; although the sprint began two days ago, they have still not reached a consensus.What should the project manager do?
A. Ask the product owner, who is the key stakeholder, to choose among the different ideas.
B. Propose ideas to the group, ask everyone to vote, and then choose the most popularidea
C. Schedule a session to give everyone the chance to express their opinions about eachidea, then vote and decide.
D. Offer an opinion about the pros and cons of each idea and try to reach a consensus in afacilitated meeting
During the design phase, a project manager realizes that the project will benefit from usingadaptive tools The effectiveness of this approach has been proven in past projects insidethe organizationWhat should the project manager do first?
A. Update project documents to include adaptive tools and artifacts and plan the firstiterative session
B. Contact the project sponsor and request new team members who are familiar withadaptive projects
C. Confirm team capabilities before introducing adaptive tools and artifacts to the project
D. Freeze the design stage and look for an external resource to run iterative design at extracost
The project is delayed due to the high amount of major changes requested by differentstakeholders at different stages of the project If the project continues on the same path, itwill consume twice the time and budget planned.What two actions can the project manager take to be more cost effective? (Choose two)
A. Conduct a stakeholder analysis.
B. Reinforce team communication.
C. Update the project management plan with the new timeline
D. Adopt an incremental approach
E. Leverage work between team members
During a retrospective meeting a project manager hears that stakeholders have beenconstantly complaining at iteration demos about product features not being delivered asrequested. What advice should the project manager give to the Product owner to ensurethat product features are always delivered as requested?
A. Include stakeholders during daily standup meetings to monitor progress.
B. Validate acceptance criteria with stakeholders prior to backlog refinement
C. Avoid including stakeholders in iteration reviews.
D. Create a requirements traceability matrix and distribute it accordingly
A new project manager is planning an information security project for a company thatresides in different countries. What is the first step the project manager should take togather customer requirements?
A. Conduct a stakeholder analysis to identify how regional policies may influence needs
B. Request relevant stakeholders to conduct an analysis and reach consensusindependently
C. Conduct a project scope review workshop with relevant stakeholders.
D. Conduct project planning meetings in one location with relevant stakeholders
Due to delays on some activities one of the project team members has increased the scopewithout any approval What should the project manager do next?
A. Remove the changes to match the original requirements.
B. Add team members to the project to avoid more schedule delays.
C. Evaluate the impacts of the changes that were made to the project
D. Update project documentation with the new scope
A project manager created a contingency plan associated with a risk. The risk was realized, but the client insists on using a new workaround instead The requested workaround willintroduce delays and require additional budgetWhat should the project manager do?
A. Request to use the management reserve to keep the schedule
B. Mitigate risks associated with the workaround to avoid project delays
C. Proceed with the approved risk response plan.
D. Discuss the options with the client as part of the change control process
The project manager is reviewing the program risks and issues with key stakeholders Oneof the stakeholders wants to understand when the risk may potentially become an issue.What artifact should the project manager share with the stakeholder?
A. Issue log
B. Project management plan
C. Risk management plan
D. Risk register
During project execution, a conflict occurs between the project manager and one of the team members at every project team meeting The ongoing conflict is preventing tasks anddeliverables from being completed The project manager contemplates changing theirleadership styleWhat should the project manager do?
A. Review the set of responsibilities with the team member
B. Avoid the team member to prevent further conflicts
C. Escalate the situation to the project sponsor
D. Review the personnel skill documents
An agile project manager would like to convert the requirements document into epics,capabilities, features and stories In how many iterations should the project managerestimate the story duration?
A. Four iterations
B. One iteration
C. Two iterations
D. Three iterations
A project manager is appointed for the deployment of a new solution The solution will beintegrated into the environment by a third-party vendor This vendor just announced a delayin delivering a key component, which will impact the project schedule.What should the project manager do?
A. Ask for expedited delivery of the component to mitigate the risk of schedule delays
B. Ensure that relevant stakeholders and expectations are identified and assess thecomponent delay
C. Perform a detailed analysis of the release content for each component of the solution.
D. Propose a new design of the solution to replace the external component with an internalone
A company's project management office (PMO) has started to implement iterative tools Aproject manager is starting a new project and has identified an opportunity to use theiterative tools One of the senior managers is concerned about this modified framework as itis fairly new to the companyWhat should the project manager do first?
A. Organize individual sessions with the stakeholders to build awareness and trust in thenew framework
B. Look for external training on the new framework to eliminate the risk of low engagementfrom stakeholders.
C. Send documentation to the senior manager about the advantages of the new framework
D. Escalate the senior manager's concern to the project sponsor and distribute the statusto the team
A new project manager learns the work assigned to the team has already beendecomposed to its lowest level The project manager reviews the work and feels someadditional useful information is missingWhat should the project manager review?
A. The project charter and scope statement
B. The requirements traceability matrix
C. The business requirement documents (BRD)
D. The WBS dictionary
A project manager meets with external stakeholders to explain the objectives and outlineexpectations for a new project. A key stakeholder appears to support the project, with thecondition that other unrelated projects will receive financial support Due to culturalsensitivities the project manager is reluctant to be direct with the key stakeholder on thismatter The project cannot proceed without the support of this stakeholder.What should the project manager do?
A. Proceed with the project without allowing scope creep to occur
B. Use the contingency funds to provide support for the requested projects
C. Cancel the project since the stakeholder's request is out of scope
D. Inform the sponsor and document the request in the stakeholder engagement plan
A project manager has been using predictive methodology for more than 10 years and isswitching to an agile project. The team members have not previously worked together.After two sprints of work, the team has not achieved any outcome and there is a lot ofpressure to get work doneWhat kind of leadership style should the project manager use at this stage?
A. A directive style that makes decisions for the group to reach early outcomes
B. A leadership style that coaches people who want help and fosters greater team collaboration
C. A passive leadership style that allows the team to self-organize until the norming stageis reached
D. A democratic style that uses techniques where majority opinion prevails
A project manager is leading a project that is in an advanced stage. All high-level risksidentified in the risk management plan have been resolved or are no longer a risk for theproject. Only low-level risks remainWhat should the project manager do now?
A. Reduce the priority of project risks as all remaining risks are low-level
B. Notify stakeholders that all high-level risks have been resolved
C. Reevaluate identified risks and update the risk register
D. Reclassify low-level risks as high-level risks
The project schedule is falling behind and the project manager observes that the projectteam seems to be spending the majority of their time writing documentation instead ofperforming project tasks What should the project manager do to help ensure that the team focuses on project tasks?
A. Assign a team member to handle the documentation activities.
B. Coach the project team to complete the project documentation activities
C. Review and adapt the appropriate project artifacts.
D. Save all documentation activities until tire end of the project
A project manager is assigned to a global project where, during the planning process, teammembers from different regions are not agreeing to collaborate with each other Whatshould the project manager do?
A. Review lessons learned from previous projects that used the same team
B. Review the organizational culture, structure, and governance
C. Coordinate a meeting to understand the situation and resolve any conflicts.
D. Coordinate a meeting with regional managers to ask for support
A project manager is assigned to a project that is in development As the project managerreviews the projects progress, they find a few tasks that are behind schedule Afterinvestigating the project manager discovers that a few team members were pulled to workon other assignments, which impacted their ability to focus on the project manager’s projectWhich two actions can the project manager take to bring the team back on track? (Choosetwo)
A. Establish daily standups to review project progress and track the completion ofdeliverables
B. Allow the team members to catch up at their own pace
C. Alert the business stakeholders immediately of the schedule delay.
D. Discuss the risk of project delay and work priorities with the respective functionalmanagers
E. Work with the team to identify options to accelerate project delivery.
During the execution phase of a healthcare IT project, stakeholders made a changerequest regarding user requirements There is no remaining budget available to cover thatchange request.What should the project manager do next?
A. Discuss approval of the change request in the next project meeting
B. Perform a risk assessment on the required change request.
C. Evaluate the change request against the project scope statement
D. Ask the sponsor for more funds to cover the change request
A company is initiating a project to enhance one of its existing products. All of its productsare developed internally What should the project manager do?
A. Ensure the stakeholder engagement plan is accurate and properly documented.
B. Review the lessons learned from the previous project
C. Identify the risk of implementing the new solution and evaluate the impact on the project.
D. Create a lessons learned document for the initiation phase
An agile project is running its fifth iteration out of eight After the last iteration planning theteam was informed that there is a new competitor in the market and it is necessary to movefaster to ensure market share is not missed What should the project manager do?
A. Add the competitor's functionalities to the product backlog to improve the product
B. Ask the sponsor to add more people to the team
C. Help the team to find a new approach to launch the product as soon as possible
D. Ask the team to increase the velocity to launch the product as soon as possible
An agile team member received certification on a new tool: however, this learn member iscomplaining that the rest of the team is not using the tool due to lack of knowledge Howshould the servant leader apply emotional intelligence to leverage this situation to benefitthe project?
A. Request budget to reward the team member so others will be motivated to obtain thesame certification
B. Promote the team member to product owner to leverage the new knowledge with theclients
C. Provide an incentive to team members who begin using the new tool on this project.
D. Ask the team member to use their recently acquired knowledge to develop and providetraining to the team
A project manager is working on the implementation of new phases in the productionprocess of a regulated industry. Which two stakeholders can help the project managerdetermine and address compliance requirements? (Choose two)
A. Risk steering committee
B. Functional managers
C. Board of directors
D. Advisory team panel
E. Chief executive officer
A project manager is appointed to simultaneously deploy a new solution to brancheslocated in different countries Deployment teams in each country will integrate and deploythe solution The project manager discovers that the deployment teams each encountersimilar issues However, each team addresses the issues separatelyWhat should the project manager do to help ensure more collaboration between theteams?
A. Organize regular meetings with all of the deployment teams to share issues andsolutions
B. Propose that some of the teams delay deployments in their countries
C. Ask the project sponsor to appoint new managers for the deployment teams
D. Ask each deployment team to provide a very detailed schedule and action plan
Which three of the following scenarios are impediments to which a scrum master shouldpay attention? (Choose three)
A. A team member talking about a user story that is not on the Scrum board
B. A team member talking about a user story that is on the Scrum board
C. A technology that blocks agile capabilities
D. A lack of team empowerment and an inability to self-organize
E. A review of the backlog at daily standup meetings
During the execution of a project within an operations function the project managerencounters scope changes and a delay in the delivery of critical tasks How should theproject manager address this situation?
A. Communicate the concerns to the project management office (PMO) during the weeklyproject reports
B. Call for a team meeting to decide if the changes should be included
C. Initiate the change request to modify the scope and adjust the timelines
D. Conduct an impact analysis and present the results to the steering committee forapproval
After the second iteration of a component development project, the project team conducts aretrospective It shows that in the initial phase the project has failed to comply with aproduct functionality. The planning for this product has a predominantly predictiveapproach.Which technique will help the project manager to accelerate the deliverable?
A. Impact mapping
B. Rolling wave planning
C. Collective code ownership
D. Scrum of Scrums
An integrated project involves the interaction of both hardware and software and thesponsor has approved the schedule management plan The project team evaluated theproduct's feasibility of functionality and accelerated testing What should the projectmanager do as a servant leader?
A. Support the team as necessary to find the minimum viable product (MVP).
B. Amend the project budget to include MVP testing
C. Submit a change request to the project sponsor for accelerated testing.
D. Develop the product as per the schedule to perform integration and testing
A project has a very tight delivery schedule. The project is approaching the delivery date,and the project sponsor often sends the project manager alerts to avoid any scheduleslippage . The project team has performed at an acceptable level until new, but the projectmanager wants to ensure that team’s performance level is performance is maintained untilthe end.What action should the project manager take to motivate the project team's performance?
A. Award certificates of appreciation to encourage the team
B. Inform the team about the delivery pressure from the project sponsor
C. Send a formal notice to team members instructing them to maintain performance
D. Hire a few temporary team members to help with the additional work.