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Which two logs on the firewall will contain authentication-related information useful for troubleshooting purpose (Choose two)
A. ms.log
B. traffic.log
C. system.log
D. dp-monitor.log
E. authd.log
Which interface configuration will accept specific VLAN IDs?
A. Tab Mode
B. Subinterface
C. Access Interface
D. Trunk Interface
A firewall administrator has completed most of the steps required to provision a standalone Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Firewall. As a final step, the administrator wants to test one of the security policies. Which CLI command syntax will display the rule that matches the test?
A. test security -policy- match source <ip_address> destination <IP_address> destinationport <port number> protocol <protocol number
B. show security rule source <ip_address> destination <IP_address> destination port <portnumber> protocol <protocol number>
C. test security rule source <ip_address> destination <IP_address> destination port <port number> protocol <protocol number>
D. show security-policy-match source <ip_address> destination <IP_address> destinationport <port number> protocol <protocol number>test security-policy-match source
When a malware-infected host attempts to resolve a known command-and-control server, the traffic matches a security policy with DNS sinhole enabled, generating a traffic log. What will be the destination IP Address in that log entry?
A. The IP Address of sinkhole.paloaltonetworks.com
B. The IP Address of the command-and-control server
C. The IP Address specified in the sinkhole configuration
D. The IP Address of one of the external DNS servers identified in the anti-spyware
Which two virtualized environments support Active/Active High Availability (HA) in PAN-OS 7.0? (Choose two.)
B. VMware ESX
C. VMware NSX
A network design calls for a "router on a stick" implementation with a PA-5060 performing inter-VLAN routing All VLAN-tagged traffic will be forwarded to the PA-5060 through a single dot1q trunk interface Which interface type and configuration setting will support this design?
A. Trunk interface type with specified tag
B. Layer 3 interface type with specified tag
C. Layer 2 interface type with a VLAN assigned
D. Layer 3 subinterface type with specified tag
Which URL Filtering Security Profile action logs the URL Filtering category to the URL Filtering log?
A. Log
B. Alert
C. Allow
D. Default
Which two options are required on an M-100 appliance to configure it as a Log Collector? (Choose two)
A. From the Panorama tab of the Panorama GUI select Log Collector mode and then
commit changes
B. Enter the command request system system-mode logger then enter Y to confirm
the change to Log Collector mode.
C. From the Device tab of the Panorama GUI select Log Collector mode and then commit
D. Enter the command logger-mode enable the enter Y to confirm the change to Log
Collector mode.
E. Log in the Panorama CLI of the dedicated Log Collector
Which three function are found on the dataplane of a PA-5050? (Choose three)
A. Protocol Decoder
B. Dynamic routing
C. Management
D. Network Processing
E. Signature Match