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Which two statements are correct regarding the use of planned capacity management?
A. Planned capacity can only be set if the capacity area is configured to manage booking based on time slot.
B. Planned capacity can be set at the day level only for a given capacity area and it'sorganization units.
C. Planned capacity can be automatically calculated by entering the preferred variance as compared to available capacity.
D. Planned capacity can be entered either by resources or capacity (days, hours, minutes) depending on what is configured in the 'Working time unit' parameter.
E. Planned capacity can be set at the day, capacity category and time slot levels for a given capacity area and it's organization units.
Which two statements are true regarding OIC-OFSC integration?
A. The OIC platform can only use SOAP-based adapters for OFSC integration; RESTbased adapters will not function for the product combination.
B. Each external system will still require custom code to integrate with OFSC, but OIC will
provide a structural framework for the OFSC Inbound and Outbound APIs.
C. Field mapping and process flows between OFSC and external systems can be
accomplished through OIC's GUI.
D. The OIC platform can only use REST-based adapters for OFSC integration; SOAPbased adapters will not function for the product combination.
E. Using OIC to integrate OFSC with a customer's systems removes the need to develop
custom middleware to integrate each system.
A dispatcher needs to be able to quickly see which contractor technicians have started working for the current day.How doryou configure the system to support this requirement?
A. Enable the Messages report within a Dashboard, which can be filter condition and 'Resource Type' for the current date.
B. Configure the Resources list to ensure that values for the 'Show/Hie Queues' and 'Resource Type' filters can be selected.
C. Configure a resource filter with the conditions: 'Resource Type in Cc PM1, and 'Activated is not null' for use within the List/Time/Map/Dai
D. Create a step within a Message Scenario to set an 'Activated' custo whenever the 8 AM - 5 PM shift is assigned.
Which two statements are true regarding managing inventory in OFSC?
A. Resources can share inventory when using OFSC Collaboration.
B. The only inventory pools are "customer", "resource", and "installed".
C. Inventory can beadded to a bucket on the Resource Tree and shared among all child
D. Resources can share inventory when they are working as a team.
Your customer wants their technicians to see the same activity data in their Service within their Activity List in OFSC Mobility.Which configuration supports this requirement?
A. Add the "Activity" property to the Request Grid context in Mobility.
B. Add the appropriate activity properties to the Request Grid context in Mobility.
C. Add the "Activity" property to the "Identify service request by" identifier context.
D. Add the appropriate activityproperties to the "Identify service request by" identifier
A company needs their mobile workers to be able to see which unassigned activities are located within a specific radius of their own location so that they can potentially assign and perform those jobs if they happen to have time along their routes. Which option addresses that configuration requirement?
A. Add the 'Nearby Activities1 action to the Activity List context for the mobile workers' User
Type and set the specific radius via the 'Nearby Radius' parameter on the Business Rules
B. Add the 'Nearby Activities' action to the Activity List context for the mobile workers' User
Type and set the specific radius via the 'Nearby Radius' parameter on the Display screen.
C. Enable the 'Nearby Activities' screen within the Main Menu context for the mobile
workers' User Type and set the specific radius via the 'Nearby Radius' parameter on the
Business Rules screen.
D. Enable the 'Nearby Activities' screen within the Main Menu context for the mobile
workers' User Type and set the specific radius via the 'Nearby Radius' parameter on the
Display screen.
A company has technicians in a local Austin office, which has been configured as a bucket within OFSC.They want all their technicians to work in the AUSTIN_SOUTHWEST_WKZN work zone but would also like the technicians Sandra Bernstein and Larry Johnson to work in the AUSTIN_NORTHWEST_WKZN work zone as well.How should you set the work zones in the Resource Tree for that local Austin office?
A. Set the AUSTIN_SOUTHWEST_WKZN work zone at the Austin bucket level only.
B. Set the AUSTIN_SOUTHWEST_WKZN work zone at the Austin bucket level and also set the AUSTIN_NORTHWEST_WKZN work zone individually on Sandra Bernstein and Larry Johnson.
C. Set both the AUST1N_S0UTHWEST_WKZN and the AUST1N_N0RTHWEST_WKZN at the Austin bucket level only.
D. Set the AUSTIN_SOUTHWEST WKZN work zone at the Austin bucket level and also set the AUSTIN_NORTHWEST_WKZN and the AUSTIN_SOUTHWEST_WKZN work zones individually on Sandra Bernstein and Larry Johnson.