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You have an Internet of Things (IoT) application that will use SMB shares on a remote ONTAP Select Instance. There are no name services and only a local network Is available at the remote IoT site. In this scenario, which two features are supported by ONTAP software for the IoT application? (Choose two.)
A. Active Directory users
B. SMB Server in workgroup mode
C. SMB3 Witness protocol
D. CIFS local users
A user wants existing data in a FlexVol created in ONTAP 9.1 to be placed into a FlexGroup volume with ONTAP 9.8. In this scenario, which two statements are true? (Choose two.)
A. Use XCP to copy data from a FlexVol to a FlexGroup.
B. Use SnapMirror to replicate data from FlexVol to FlexGroup.
C. You can convert the FlexVol volume to a FlexGroup volume.
D. A FlexVol to FlexGroup conversion is not supported.
A customer wants to migrate a series of LUNs from a third-party array to a FAS. In this scenario, which two tools would the customer use? (Choose two.)
Due to the increasing threat of ransomware, you must implement a secure and fast solution to recover files in your ONTAP cluster. The users should be able to recover their files from their Windows Desktop. In this scenario, which two steps fulfill this requirement? (Choose two.)
A. Ensure that there is a Snapshot copy schedule for every volume containing files.
B. Ensure that the option to show previous versions on the SVM Is activated.
C. Ensure that the option to copy a FlexClone of each volume containing files is activated.
D. Ensure that the option to show previous versions on each share is activated.