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ISC2 SSCP Exam Dumps

Systems Security Certified Practitioner

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ISC2 SSCP Sample Questions

Question # 1

A potential problem related to the physical installation of the Iris Scanner in regards to the usageof the iris pattern within a biometric system is:

A. concern that the laser beam may cause eye damage
B. the iris pattern changes as a person grows older.
C. there is a relatively high rate of false accepts.
D. the optical unit must be positioned so that the sun does not shine into the aperture.

Question # 2

In Mandatory Access Control, sensitivity labels attached to object contain what information?

A. The item's classification
B. The item's classification and category set
C. The item's category
D. The items's need to know

Question # 3

What are the components of an object's sensitivity label?

A. A Classification Set and a single Compartment.
B. A single classification and a single compartment.
C. A Classification Set and user credentials.
D. A single classification and a Compartment Set.

Question # 4

What does it mean to say that sensitivity labels are "incomparable"?

A. The number of classification in the two labels is different.
B. Neither label contains all the classifications of the other.
C. the number of categories in the two labels are different.
D. Neither label contains all the categories of the other.

Question # 5

Which of the following is true about Kerberos?

A. It utilizes public key cryptography.
B. It encrypts data after a ticket is granted, but passwords are exchanged in plain text.
C. It depends upon symmetric ciphers.
D. It is a second party authentication system.

Question # 6

Which of the following is needed for System Accountability?

A. Audit mechanisms.
B. Documented design as laid out in the Common Criteria.
C. Authorization.
D.Formal verification of system design.

Question # 7

What is Kerberos?

A. A three-headed dog from the egyptian mythology.
B. A trusted third-party authentication protocol.
C. A security model.
D. A remote authentication dial in user server.

Question # 8

The three classic ways of authenticating yourself to the computer security software are bysomething you know, by something you have, and by something:

A. you need.
B. non-trivial
C. you are.
D. you can get.

Question # 9

A timely review of system access audit records would be an example of which of the basic securityfunctions?

A. avoidance.
B. deterrence.
C. prevention.
D. detection.

Question # 10

A confidential number used as an authentication factor to verify a user's identity is called a:

B. User ID
C. Password
D. Challenge

Question # 11

Which of the following exemplifies proper separation of duties?

A. Operators are not permitted modify the system time.
B. Programmers are permitted to use the system console.
C. Console operators are permitted to mount tapes and disks.
D. Tape operators are permitted to use the system console.

Question # 12

Which of the following is not a logical control when implementing logical access security?

A. access profiles.
B. userids.
C. employee badges.
D. passwords.

Question # 13

Which one of the following authentication mechanisms creates a problem for mobile users?

A. Mechanisms based on IP addresses
B. Mechanism with reusable passwords
C. one-time password mechanism.
D. challenge response mechanism.

Question # 14

Organizations should consider which of the following first before allowing external access to theirLANs via the Internet?

A. plan for implementing workstation locking mechanisms.
B. plan for protecting the modem pool.
C. plan for providing the user with his account usage information.
D. plan for considering proper authentication options.

Question # 15

Which of the following would assist the most in Host Based intrusion detection?

A. audit trails.
B. access control lists.
C. security clearances.
D. host-based authentication.

Question # 16

Controls to keep password sniffing attacks from compromising computer systems include which ofthe following?

A. static and recurring passwords.
B. encryption and recurring passwords.
C. one-time passwords and encryption.
D. static and one-time passwords.

Question # 17

Kerberos can prevent which one of the following attacks?

A. tunneling attack.
B. playback (replay) attack.
C. destructive attack.
D. process attack.

Question # 18

In discretionary access environments, which of the following entities is authorized to grantinformation access to other people?

A. Manager
B. Group Leader
C. Security Manager
D. Data Owner

Question # 19

What is the main concern with single sign-on?

A. Maximum unauthorized access would be possible if a password is disclosed.
B. The security administrator's workload would increase.
C.  The users' password would be too hard to remember.
D. User access rights would be increased.

Question # 20

Who developed one of the first mathematical models of a multilevel-security computer system?

A. Diffie and Hellman.
B. Clark and Wilson.
C. Bell and LaPadula.
D. Gasser and Lipner.

Question # 21

A department manager has read access to the salaries of the employees in his/her department butnot to the salaries of employees in other departments. A database security mechanism thatenforces this policy would typically be said to provide which of the following?

A. Content-dependent access control
B. Context-dependent access control
C. Least privileges access control
D. Ownership-based access control

Question # 22

Which of the following attacks could capture network user passwords?

A. Data diddling
B. Sniffing
C. IP Spoofing
D. Smurfing

Question # 23

Which of the following would constitute the best example of a password to use for access to asystem by a network administrator?

A. holiday
B. Christmas12
C. Jenny
D. GyN19Za!

Question # 24

The number of violations that will be accepted or forgiven before a violation record is produced iscalled which of the following?

A. clipping level
B. acceptance level
C. forgiveness level
D. logging level

Question # 25

Examples of types of physical access controls include all EXCEPT which of the following?

A. badges
B. locks
C. guards
D. passwords

Question # 26

The number of violations that will be accepted or forgiven before a violation record is produced iscalled which of the following?

A. clipping level
B. acceptance level
C. forgiveness level
D. logging level

Question # 27

Examples of types of physical access controls include all EXCEPT which of the following?

A. badges
B. locks
C. guards
D. passwords

Question # 28

Guards are appropriate whenever the function required by the security program involves which ofthe following?

A. The use of discriminating judgment
B. The use of physical force
C. The operation of access control devices
D. The need to detect unauthorized access

Question # 29

What physical characteristic does a retinal scan biometric device measure?

A. The amount of light reaching the retina
B. The amount of light reflected by the retina
C. The pattern of light receptors at the back of the eye
D. The pattern of blood vessels at the back of the eye

Question # 30

Which is the last line of defense in a physical security sense?

A. people
B. interior barriers
C. exterior barriers
D. perimeter barriers

Question # 31

The Computer Security Policy Model the Orange Book is based on is which of the following?

A. Bell-LaPadula
B. Data Encryption Standard
C. Kerberos
D. Tempest

Question # 32

The end result of implementing the principle of least privilege means which of the following?

A. Users would get access to only the info for which they have a need to know
B. Users can access all systems.
C. Users get new privileges added when they change positions.
D. Authorization creep.

Question # 33

Which of the following is the most reliable authentication method for remote access?

A. Variable callback system
B. Synchronous token
C. Fixed callback system
D. Combination of callback and caller ID

Question # 34

Which of the following is the most reliable, secure means of removing data from magnetic storagemedia such as a magnetic tape, or a cassette?

A. Degaussing
B. Parity Bit Manipulation
C. Zeroization
D. Buffer overflow

Question # 35

The Orange Book is founded upon which security policy model?

A. The Biba Model
B. The Bell LaPadula Model
C. Clark-Wilson Model

Question # 36

Which of the following is true of two-factor authentication?

A. It uses the RSA public-key signature based on integers with large prime factors.
B. It requires two measurements of hand geometry.
C. It does not use single sign-on technology.
D. It relies on two independent proofs of identity.

Question # 37

The primary service provided by Kerberos is which of the following?

A. non-repudiation
B. confidentiality
C. authentication
D. authorization

Question # 38

There are parallels between the trust models in Kerberos and Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).When we compare them side by side, Kerberos tickets correspond most closely to which of thefollowing?

A. public keys
B. private keys
C. public-key certificates
D. private-key certificates

Question # 39

Which of the following is NOT a system-sensing wireless proximity card?

A. magnetically striped card
B. passive device
C. field-powered device
D. transponder

Question # 40

Which of the following is NOT a technique used to perform a penetration test?

A. traffic padding
B. scanning and probing
C. war dialing
D. sniffing

Question # 41

In which of the following model are Subjects and Objects identified and the permissions applied toeach subject/object combination are specified. Such a model can be used to quickly summarizewhat permissions a subject has for various system objects.

A. Access Control Matrix model
B. Take-Grant model
C. Bell-LaPadula model
D. Biba model

Question # 42

In which of the following security models is the subject's clearance compared to the object'sclassification such that specific rules can be applied to control how the subject-to-objectinteractions take place?

A. Bell-LaPadula model
B. Biba model
C. Access Matrix model
D. Take-Grant model

Question # 43

Which of the following classes is the first level (lower) defined in the TCSEC (Orange Book) asmandatory protection?

A. B
B. A
C. C
D. D

Question # 44

Which of the following classes is defined in the TCSEC (Orange Book) as discretionaryprotection?

A. C
B. B
C. A
D. D

Question # 45

Which of the following division is defined in the TCSEC (Orange Book) as minimal protection?

A. Division D
B. Division C
C. Division B
D. Division A

Question # 46

Which of the following was developed by the National Computer Security Center (NCSC) for theUS Department of Defense ?


Question # 47

Which of the following was developed to address some of the weaknesses in Kerberos and usespublic key cryptography for the distribution of secret keys and provides additional access controlsupport?

C. KryptoKnight

Question # 48

Single Sign-on (SSO) is characterized by which of the following advantages?

A. Convenience
B. Convenience and centralized administration
C. Convenience and centralized data administration
D. Convenience and centralized network administration

Question # 49

The "vulnerability of a facility" to damage or attack may be assessed by all of the following except:

A. Inspection
B. History of losses
C. Security controls
D. security budget

Question # 50

What is the primary role of smartcards in a PKI?

A. Transparent renewal of user keys
B. Easy distribution of the certificates between the users
C. Fast hardware encryption of the raw data
D. Tamper resistant, mobile storage and application of private keys of the users

Question # 51

What kind of certificate is used to validate a user identity?

A. Public key certificate
B. Attribute certificate
C. Root certificate
D. A real life example of this can be found in the mobile software deployments by large service

Question # 52

Which of the following is not a physical control for physical security?

A. lighting
B. fences
C. training
D. facility construction materials

Question # 53

Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) is a discipline that:

A. Outlines how the proper design of a physical environment can reduce crime by directly affectinghuman behavior.
B. Outlines how the proper design of the logical environment can reduce crime by directly affectinghuman behavior.
C. Outlines how the proper design of the detective control environment can reduce crime by directlyaffecting human behavior.
D. Outlines how the proper design of the administrative control environment can reduce crime bydirectly affecting human behavior.

Question # 54

The following is NOT a security characteristic we need to consider while choosing a biometricidentification systems:

A. data acquisition process
B. cost
C. enrollment process
D. speed and user interface