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Which firmware upgrade method for an active-passive HA cluster ensures service outage is minimal and there are no unnecessary failovers?
A. Upgrade the active unit, which will upgrade the standby unit automatically
B. Upgrade both units at the same time
C. Upgrade the standby unit, and then upgrade the active unit
D. Break the cluster, upgrade the units independently, and then form the cluster again as quickly as possible
A FortiMail administrator is investigating a sudden increase in DSNs being delivered to the protected domain for undeliverable email messages. After searching the logs, the administrator identifies that the DSNs were not generated as a result of any outbound email sent from the protected domain. Which FortiMail antispam technique can the administrator use to prevent this scenario? (Choose one.)
A. Bounce address tag validation
B. Spam outbreak protection
C. Spoofed header detection
D. FortiGuard IP Reputation