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You configure a local Docker engine to enforce content trust by setting the environment variableDOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST=1.If myorg/myimage: 1.0 is unsigned, does Docker block this command?Solution: docker service create myorg/myimage:1.0
A. Yes
B. No
How do you configure Docker engine to use a registry that is not configured with TLS certificates from a trusted CA?
A. Set IGNORE_TLS in the 'daemon.json' configuration file.
B. Set and export the IGNORE_TLS environment variable on the command line
C. Set INSECURE_REGISTRY in the '/etc/docker/default' configuration file
D. Pass the '--insecure.-registry' flag to the daemon at run time
Will this command ensure that overlay traffic between service tasks is encrypted? Solution: docker service create --network --secure
A. Yes
B. No
A user is having problems running Docker. Which of the following will start Docker in debug mode?
A. Set the debug key to true in the 'daemon.json' file.
B. Start the 'dockerd' process manually with the '--logging' flag set to debug
C. Set the logging key to debug in the 'daemon.json' file.
D. Start the 'dockerd' process manually with the '--raw-logs' flag set to debug
Will this configuration achieve fault tolerance for managers in a swarm? Solution: only two managers, one active and one passive.
A. Yes
B. No
Will this command mount the host's '/data' directory to the ubuntu container in read-only mode?Solution: 'docker run --add-volume /data /mydata -read-only ubuntu'
A. Yes
B. No
Will this sequence of steps completely delete an image from disk in the Docker Trusted Registry? Solution: Delete the image and delete the image repository from Docker Trusted Registry
A. Yes
B. Yes
What is the purpose of a client bundle in the Universal Control Plane?
A. Authenticate a user using client certificates to the Universal Control Plane
B. Provide a new user instructions for how to login to the Universal Control Plane
C. Provide a user with a Docker client binary compatible with the Universal Control Plane
D. Group multiple users in a team in the Universal Control Plane
A service 'wordpress' is running using a password string to connect to a non-Dockerized database service. The password string is passed into the 'wordpress' service as a Docker secret. Per security policy, the password on the database was changed. Identity the correct sequence of steps to rotate the secret from the old password to the new password.
A. Create a new docker secret with the new password. Trigger a rolling secret update by using the 'docker
secret update' command
B. Trigger an update to the service by using 'docker service update --secret='
C. Create a new docker secret with the new password. Remove the existing service using 'docker service
rm'. Start a new service with the new secret using "--secret="
D. Create a new docker secret with a new password. Trigger a rolling update of the "wordpress" service, by
using "--secret-rm" & "--secret-add" to remove the old secret and add the updated secret.