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Most of our customers choose Dumpsspot's CWDP-303 study guide that contains questions and answers that help them to pass the exam on the first try. Out of them, many have passed the exam with a passing rate of 98% to 100% by just training online.
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During a validation site survey, you realize that the installers mounted some of the APs above the ceiling. They said that this was a request from the building architect due to aesthetics constraints. During the requirements gathering, you weren’t advised about any aesthetics constraints from the main stakeholder of the project. What should you do in this case?
A. Advise the stakeholder that WLAN performance requirements will not be met and a new design process will be needed to meet the requirements.
B. Leave it as it is and allow automatic channel management to correct any issues.
C. Increase the output power on all APs by 6 dB immediately.
D. Remove all external antennas and use only the internal antennas to reduce multipath.
What is the minimum PoE budget needed on a switch to support 6 (six) APs that can only be powered using IEEE 802.3at if no other details are provided?
A. 320 W
B. 60 W
C. 180 W
D. 240 W
You and 10 other people are connected to a public hotspot. You issue a ping sweep on the network, but you can’t find any devices on the same subnet as yours. What feature might be enabled on the WLAN infrastructure that is preventing you from communicating with other devices on that subnet?
A. Peer-to-peer blocking
B. OSPF external routes
C. Band steering
D. Load balancing