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A DevOps administrator is automating an existing software development workflow. The administrator wants to ensure that prior to any new code going into production, tests confirm the new code does not negatively impact existing automation activities. Which of the following testing techniques would be BEST to use?
A. Usability testing
B. Regression testing
C. Vulnerability testing
D. Penetration testing
A marketing team is using a SaaS-based service to send emails to large groups of potential customers. The internally managed CRM system is configured to generate a list of target customers automatically on a weekly basis, and then use that list to send emails to each customer as part of a marketing campaign. Last week, the first email campaign sent emails successfully to 3,000 potential customers. This week, the email campaign attempted to send out 50,000 emails, but only 10,000 were sent. Which of the following is the MOST likely reason for not sending all the emails?
A. API request limit
B. Incorrect billing account
C. Misconfigured auto-scaling
D. Bandwidth limitation
A VDI administrator has received reports of poor application performance. Which of the following should the administrator troubleshoot FIRST?
A. The network environment
B. Container resources
C. Client devices
D. Server resources
Due to a policy change, a few of a customer's application VMs have been migrated to synchronously replicated storage. The customer now reports that performance is lower. The systems administrator checks the resource usage and discovers CPU utilization is at 60% and available memory is at 30%. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause?
A. There is not enough vCPU assigned
B. The application is not compatible with the new settings
C. The new configuration is adding latency
D. The memory of the VM is underallocated
An organization requires the following to be achieved between the finance and marketing departments: Allow HTTPS/HTTP. Disable FTP and SMB traffic. Which of the following is the MOST suitable method to meet the requirements?
A. Implement an ADC solution to load balance the VLAN traffic
B. Configure an ACL between the VLANs
C. Implement 802.1X in these VLANs
D. Configure on-demand routing between the VLANs
A systems administrator is building a new virtualization cluster. The cluster consists of five virtual hosts, which each have flash and spinning disks. This storage is shared among all the virtual hosts, where a virtual machine running on one host may store data on another host. This is an example of:
A. a storage area network
B. a network file system
C. hyperconverged storage
D. thick-provisioned disks
A systems administrator recently upgraded the processors in a web application host. Upon the next login, the administrator sees a new alert regarding the license being out of compliance. Which of the following licensing models is the application MOST likely using?
A. Per device
B. Per user
C. Core-based
D. Volume-based
A systems administrator is informed that a database server containing PHI and PII is unencrypted. The environment does not support VM encryption, nor does it have a key management system. The server needs to be able to be rebooted for patching without manual intervention. Which of the following will BEST resolve this issue?
A. Ensure all database queries are encrypted
B. Create an IPSec tunnel between the database server and its clients
C. Enable protocol encryption between the storage and the hypervisor
D. Enable volume encryption on the storage
E. Enable OS encryption
An OS administrator is reporting slow storage throughput on a few VMs in a private IaaS cloud. Performance graphs on the host show no increase in CPU or memory. However, performance graphs on the storage show a decrease of throughput in both IOPS and MBps but not much increase in latency. There is no increase in workload, and latency is stable on the NFS storage arrays that are used by those VMs. Which of the following should be verified NEXT?
A. Application
C. VM GPU settings
D. Network
A systems administrator is configuring RAID for a new server. This server will host files for users and replicate to an identical server. While redundancy is necessary, the most important need is to maximize storage. Which of the following RAID types should the administrator choose?
A. 5
B. 6
C. 10
D. 50
Which of the following will mitigate the risk of users who have access to an instance modifying the system configurations?
A. Implement whole-disk encryption
B. Deploy the latest OS patches
C. Deploy an anti-malware solution
D. Implement mandatory access control
A systems administrator recently deployed a VDI solution in a cloud environment; however, users are now experiencing poor rendering performance when trying to display 3-D content on their virtual desktops, especially at peak times. Which of the following actions will MOST likely solve this issue?
A. Update the quest graphics drivers from the official repository
B. Add more vGPU licenses to the host
C. Instruct users to access virtual workstations only on the VLAN
D. Select vGPU profiles with higher video RAM
An organization purchased new servers with GPUs for render farms. The servers have limited CPU resources. Which of the following GPU configurations will be the MOST optimal for virtualizing this environment?
A. Dedicated
B. Shared
C. Passthrough
A systems administrator needs to configure a set of policies to protect the data to comply with mandatory regulations. Which of the following should the administrator implement to ensure DLP efficiently prevents the exposure of sensitive data in a cloud environment?
A. Integrity
B. Versioning
C. Classification
D. Segmentation
A systems administrator wants to have near-real-time information on the volume of data being exchanged between an application server and its clients on the Internet. Which of the following should the systems administrator implement to achieve this objective?
A. A stateful firewall
D. Network flows
A company needs to rehost its ERP system to complete a datacenter migration to the public cloud. The company has already migrated other systems and configured VPN connections. Which of the following MOST likely needs to be analyzed before rehosting the ERP?
A. Software
B. Licensing
C. Right-sizing
D. The network
A company wants to check its infrastructure and application for security issues regularly. Which of the following should the company implement?
A. Performance testing
B. Penetration testing
C. Vulnerability testing
D. Regression testing
A company that utilizes an IaaS service provider has contracted with a vendor to perform a penetration test on its environment. The vendor is able to exploit the virtualization layer and obtain access to other instances within the cloud provider's environment that do not belong to the company. Which of the following BEST describes this attack?
A. VM escape
B. Directory traversal
C. Buffer overflow
D. Heap spraying
A systems administrator would like to reduce the network delay between two servers. Which of the following will reduce the network delay without taxing other system resources?
A. Decrease the MTU size on both servers
B. Adjust the CPU resources on both servers
C. Enable compression between the servers
D. Configure a VPN tunnel between the servers
An administrator is performing an in-place upgrade on a quest VM operating system. Which of the following can be performed as a quick method to roll back to an earlier state, if necessary?
A. A configuration file backup
B. A full backup of the database
C. A differential backup
D. A VM-level snapshot
After analyzing a web server's logs, a systems administrator sees that users are connecting to the company's application through HTTP instead of HTTPS. The administrator then configures a redirect from HTTP to HTTPS on the web server, and the application responds with a connection time-out message. Which of the following should the administrator verify NEXT?
A. The TLS certificate
B. The firewall rules
C. The concurrent connection limit
D. The folder permissions