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CompTIA CS0-003 Exam Dumps

CompTIA CyberSecurity Analyst CySA+ Certification Exam

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Total Questions : 332
Update Date : October 01, 2024
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CompTIA CS0-003 Sample Questions

Question # 1

While a security analyst for an organization was reviewing logs from web servers. theanalyst found several successful attempts to downgrade HTTPS sessions to use ciphermodes of operation susceptible to padding oracle attacks. Which of the followingcombinations of configuration changes should the organization make to remediate thisissue? (Select two).

A. Configure the server to prefer TLS 1.3.
B. Remove cipher suites that use CBC.
C. Configure the server to prefer ephemeral modes for key exchange.
D. Require client browsers to present a user certificate for mutual authentication.
E. Configure the server to require HSTS.
F. Remove cipher suites that use GCM.

Question # 2

Which of the following is described as a method of enforcing a security policy betweencloud customers and cloud services?


Question # 3

Which of the following is the best way to begin preparation for a report titled "What WeLearned" regarding a recent incident involving a cybersecurity breach?

A. Determine the sophistication of the audience that the report is meant for
B. Include references and sources of information on the first page
C. Include a table of contents outlining the entire report
D. Decide on the color scheme that will effectively communicate the metrics

Question # 4

An incident responder was able to recover a binary file through the network traffic. Thebinary file was also found in some machines with anomalous behavior. Which of thefollowing processes most likely can be performed to understand the purpose of the binaryfile?

A. File debugging
B. Traffic analysis
C. Reverse engineering
D. Machine isolation

Question # 5

A security analyst is writing a shell script to identify IP addresses from the same country.Which of the following functions would help the analyst achieve the objective?

A. function w() { info=$(ping -c 1 $1 | awk -F “/” ‘END{print $1}’) && echo “$1 | $info” }
B. function x() { info=$(geoiplookup $1) && echo “$1 | $info” }
C. function y() { info=$(dig -x $1 | grep PTR | tail -n 1 ) && echo “$1 | $info” }
D. function z() { info=$(traceroute -m 40 $1 | awk ‘END{print $1}’) && echo “$1 | $info” }

Question # 6

Using open-source intelligence gathered from technical forums, a threat actor compiles andtests a malicious downloader to ensure it will not be detected by the victim organization'sendpoint security protections. Which of the following stages of the Cyber Kill Chain bestaligns with the threat actor's actions?

A. Delivery
B. Reconnaissance
C. Exploitation
D. Weaponizatign

Question # 7

An incident response analyst is taking over an investigation from another analyst. Theinvestigation has been going on for the past few days. Which of the following steps is mostimportant during the transition between the two analysts?

A. Identify and discuss the lessons learned with the prior analyst.
B. Accept all findings and continue to investigate the next item target.
C. Review the steps that the previous analyst followed.
D. Validate the root cause from the prior analyst.

Question # 8

During an extended holiday break, a company suffered a security incident. This informationwas properly relayed to appropriate personnel in a timely manner and the server was up todate and configured with appropriate auditing and logging. The Chief Information SecurityOfficer wants to find out precisely what happened. Which of the following actions should the analyst take first?

A. Clone the virtual server for forensic analysis
B. Log in to the affected server and begin analysis of the logs
C. Restore from the last known-good backup to confirm there was no loss of connectivity
D. Shut down the affected server immediately

Question # 9

A security analyst is responding to an indent that involves a malicious attack on a network.Data closet. Which of the following best explains how are analyst should properlydocument the incident?

A. Back up the configuration file for alt network devices
B. Record and validate each connection
C. Create a full diagram of the network infrastructure
D. Take photos of the impacted items

Question # 10

A cybersecurity analyst notices unusual network scanning activity coming from a countrythat the company does not do business with. Which of the following is the best mitigationtechnique?

A. Geoblock the offending source country
B. Block the IP range of the scans at the network firewall.
C. Perform a historical trend analysis and look for similar scanning activity.
D. Block the specific IP address of the scans at the network firewall

Question # 11

A security team is concerned about recent Layer 4 DDoS attacks against the company website. Which of the following controls would best mitigate the attacks?

A. Block the attacks using firewall rules.
B. Deploy an IPS in the perimeter network.
C. Roll out a CDN.
D. Implement a load balancer.

Question # 12

Which of the following is a commonly used four-component framework to communicatethreat actor behavior?

B. Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis
C. Cyber Kill Chain

Question # 13

An organization was compromised, and the usernames and passwords of all em-ployeeswere leaked online. Which of the following best describes the remedia-tion that couldreduce the impact of this situation?

A. Multifactor authentication
B. Password changes
C. System hardening
D. Password encryption

Question # 14

A cloud team received an alert that unauthorized resources were being auto-provisioned.After investigating, the team suspects that crypto mining is occurring. Which of thefollowing indicators wouldmost likely lead the team to this conclusion?

A. High GPU utilization
B. Bandwidth consumption
C. Unauthorized changes
D. Unusual traffic spikes

Question # 15

An employee downloads a freeware program to change the desktop to the classic look oflegacy Windows. Shortly after the employee installs the program, a high volume of randomDNS queries beginto originate from the system. An investigation on the system reveals the following:Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath '%Program Filest\ksysconfig' Which of the following is possibly occurring?

A. Persistence
B. Privilege escalation
C. Credential harvesting
D. Defense evasion

Question # 16

A Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) is concerned that a specific threat actor who isknown to target the company's business type may be able to breach the network andremain inside of it for an extended period of time.Which of the following techniques should be performed to meet the CISO's goals

A. Vulnerability scanning
B. Adversary emulation
C. Passive discovery
D. Bug bounty

Question # 17

A web application team notifies a SOC analyst that there are thousands of HTTP/404events on the public-facing web server. Which of the following is the next step for theanalyst to take?

A. Instruct the firewall engineer that a rule needs to be added to block this external server.
B. Escalate the event to an incident and notify the SOC manager of the activity.
C. Notify the incident response team that a DDoS attack is occurring.
D. Identify the IP/hostname for the requests and look at the related activity.