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Which of the following BEST describes how a cloud provider helps a company with security risk responses?
A. Acceptance
B. Mitigation
C. Avoidance
D. Transference
A cloud systems administrator needs to log in to a remote Linux server that is hosted in a public cloud. Which of the following protocols will the administrator MOST likely use?
C. Secure Shell
D. Virtual network computing
Which of the following is the cloud storage technology that would allow a company with 12 nearly identical servers to have the SMALLEST storage footprint?
A. Capacity on demand
B. Compression
C. Software-defined storage
D. Deduplication
When selecting a cloud provider, which of the following is MOST likely to be a financial consideration?
A. Proof of concept
B. Request for information
C. Licensing models
D. Request for proposal
A company with critical resources in the cloud needs to ensure data is available in multiple datacenters around the world.Which of the following BEST meets the company's needs?
A. Auto-scaling
B. Geo-redundancy
C. Disaster recovery
D. High availability
Which of the following cloud characteristics helps transform from a typical capital expenditure model to an operating expenditure model?
A. Pay-as-you-go
B. Elasticity
C. Self-service
D. Availability
Which of the following is commonly used to forecast market trends?
A. Serverless computing
B. Data warehouse
C. Machine learning
D.Accelerated computing
Which of the following is an example of outsourcing administration in the context of the cloud?
A. Managed services
B. Audit by a third party
C. Community support
D. Premium support
After performing an initial assessment of a cloud-hosted architecture, a department wants to gain the supportof upper management.Which of the following should be presented to management?
A. Project charter
B. Feasibility study
C. Managed services
D. Pilot
A report identified that several of a company's SaaS applications are against corporate policy.Which of the following is the MOST likely reason for this issue?
A. Shadow IT
B. Sensitive data
C. Encryption
D. Vendor lock-in
A company wants to process a batch job in a faster, cost-effective manner. Which of the following is the BEST solution?
A. Implement right-sizing.
B. Increase CPU usage.
C. Utilize spot instances.
D. Add storage.