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CompTIA CLO-002 Exam Dumps

CompTIA Cloud Essentials+

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Update Date : December 01, 2024
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CLO-002 Dumps

Dumpsspot offers the best CLO-002 exam dumps that comes with 100% valid questions and answers. With the help of our trained team of professionals, the CLO-002 Dumps PDF carries the highest quality. Our course pack is affordable and guarantees a 98% to 100% passing rate for exam. Our CLO-002 test questions are specially designed for people who want to pass the exam in a very short time.

Most of our customers choose Dumpsspot's CLO-002 study guide that contains questions and answers that help them to pass the exam on the first try. Out of them, many have passed the exam with a passing rate of 98% to 100% by just training online.

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CompTIA CLO-002 Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which of the following BEST describes how a cloud provider helps a company with security risk responses?

A. Acceptance
B. Mitigation
C. Avoidance
D. Transference

Question # 2

A cloud systems administrator needs to log in to a remote Linux server that is hosted in a public cloud. Which of the following protocols will the administrator MOST likely use?

C. Secure Shell
D. Virtual network computing

Question # 3

Which of the following is the cloud storage technology that would allow a company with 12 nearly identical servers to have the SMALLEST storage footprint?

A. Capacity on demand
B. Compression
C. Software-defined storage
D. Deduplication

Question # 4

When selecting a cloud provider, which of the following is MOST likely to be a financial consideration?

A. Proof of concept
B. Request for information
C. Licensing models
D. Request for proposal

Question # 5

A company with critical resources in the cloud needs to ensure data is available in multiple datacenters around the world.Which of the following BEST meets the company's needs?

A. Auto-scaling
B. Geo-redundancy
C. Disaster recovery
D. High availability

Question # 6

Which of the following cloud characteristics helps transform from a typical capital expenditure model to an operating expenditure model?

A. Pay-as-you-go
B. Elasticity
C. Self-service
D. Availability

Question # 7

Which of the following is commonly used to forecast market trends?

A. Serverless computing
B. Data warehouse
C. Machine learning
D.Accelerated computing

Question # 8

Which of the following is an example of outsourcing administration in the context of the cloud?

A. Managed services
B. Audit by a third party
C. Community support
D. Premium support

Question # 9

After performing an initial assessment of a cloud-hosted architecture, a department wants to gain the supportof upper management.Which of the following should be presented to management?

A. Project charter
B. Feasibility study
C. Managed services
D. Pilot

Question # 10

A report identified that several of a company's SaaS applications are against corporate policy.Which of the following is the MOST likely reason for this issue?

A. Shadow IT
B. Sensitive data
C. Encryption
D. Vendor lock-in

Question # 11

A company wants to process a batch job in a faster, cost-effective manner. Which of the following is the BEST solution?

A. Implement right-sizing.
B. Increase CPU usage.
C. Utilize spot instances.
D. Add storage.