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A systems administrator wants to install the latest version of Windows on a desktop PC. The administrator wants the option of installing from a USB drive, CD-ROM, or DVD. Which of the following actions would allow the installation of the OS from any of the chosen media types?
A. Create a FAT partition.
B. Load an ISO image.
C. Create a disk partition.
D. Load a recovery image.
When using Microsoft Windows 8.1 Operating System, which of the following features allows scripts and snippets to run?
A. One Drive
B. XP Mode
C. Power Shell
D. Windows Firewall
A technician is instructed to configure a new workstation to boot the OS from the network. The technician must enable which of the following FIRST?
C. WiFi
A network administrator needs to connect to resources from an offsite location while ensuring the traffic is protected. Which of the following should the administrator use to gain access to the secure network?
Prior to installing a new driver update, a technician wants to create a restore point on a Windows 7 desktop.Which of the following interfaces will display the option to create a restore point?
A. The Advanced tab under System Properties
B. The Backup and Restore option
C. The System Protection tab
D. The Windows Update option
An end user needs to completely re-install Windows 7 on a home computer but it did not come with any OS discs. How would a technician accomplish this?
A. Recovery partition
B. Primary partition
C. System restore
D. System refresh
An administrator has a new workstation that has been loaded with the Windows OS and configured with the proper IP settings. The workstation needs to be added to the corporation’s domain. Which of the following utilities will the administrator access to configure this setting?
A. System Properties
B. System Information
C. System Protection
D. System Management
A technician is installing 40 new bare metal computers into the corporate domain. The Windows 8.1 OS and an Office Suite need to be installed as quickly as possible. Which of the following methods of installation would BEST suite the technician’s requirements?
A. Perform a standalone installation with discs
B. Create an unattended installation and deploy it at boot up.
C. Deploy an image located on an external device.
D. Utilize the network to install the image.
A technician is troubleshooting a PC with multiple volumes. To verify which are active and assigned drive letters, the technician should use the LIST function of which of the following commands?
A. extract
B. diskpart
C. bootrec
D. chkdsk
A technician has been tasked with loading the operating system on every PC with a blank hard drive on a network. The technician wishes to install the operating system with minimal physical interaction with the PCs. Which of the following is the BEST way to accomplish this?
A. Clone the operating system from an image onto optical media.
B. Use the original software media to load the operation system on every PC.
C. Set up a central image that the PCs can load from a PXE boot.
D. Create an image and copy it from a USB drive using an unattended answer file.
A small office experiences frequent power outages. Upon rebooting the Windows workstations after each power outage, users report the inability to open shared files. Which of the following MUST a technician configure to resolve this issue in the future?
A. Check the “Reconnect at logon” checkbox for the mapped network drive
B. Connect all computers in the office to UPS devices
C. Re-map the mapped network drive with the domain administrator account
D. Replace the hard drives on the file server hosting the shared files
A technician needs to log into a user's computer to fix the user's corrupt local profile. Which of the following connectivity tools will allow the technician to connect to the user’s computer?
A. Remote Assistance
B. Virtual Private Network
C. Computer Management
D. Remote Desktop
An administrator is in a Remote Assistance session, sharing a user’s desktop. While trying to map a shared network drive for the user, an “access denied” error is encountered while using the user’s credentials. Which of the following should be the administrator’s NEXT step?
A. Ensure the user’s account is not locked out
B. Use the fully qualified domain name of the share
C. Open the location with administrator privileges
D. Try mapping with a different drive letter
In recent versions of the Windows OS, Microsoft has added an advanced version of the command prompt.Which of the following Windows features is this?
A. Search charm
B. HyperTerminal
C. PowerShell
D. Action Center
After a Windows update operation, a user reports a Windows 8.1 PC with specialized software is experiencing system lockups. The user states the lockups seem to be random, happening regardless of whether the software is running. The lockups also occur while there are no programs running. Which of the following should the technician do FIRST?
A. Replace the PC’s RAM with known good replacement modules
B. Roll back to a previous restore point using System Restore
C. Completely uninstall and reinstall any specialized software.
D. Examine the PC’s main system board for distended capacitors.
A technician has completed the installation of Windows 7 and needs to add it to the company’s domain. Which of the following Control Panel options should the technician use to complete this task?
A. Homegroup
B. Network and Sharing Center
C. System
D. Credential Manager
E. Administrative Tools
A technician is navigating through a Windows OS via command prompt. The technician needs to display the content of a folder. Which of the following is the BEST option for accomplishing this task?
A. dir
B. ls
C. rd
D. cmd
A user prefers an external monitor, mouse, and keyboard for a laptop. The user does not want to use the built-in screen; however, when the laptop lid is closed, it goes into sleep mode. Which of the following Control Panel items can be used to disable this feature?
A. Action Center
B. System
C. Display Settings
D. Power Options
A technician is performing a clean install of Windows on a new hard drive from a factory DVD, but the computer does not recognize the optical disc. A “non-system disk or disk error” is observed. Which of the following should the technician do FIRST?
A. Update the motherboard firmware
B. Check the cables
C. Replace the optical drive
D. Check the BIOS setting
Which of the following Windows tools allows a user to save system configuration information, system settings, programs, and data files?
A. Full Data Backup
B. System Image Backup
C. System Restore
D. File backup
A technician has successfully completed a gpupdate from a CMD box of a user’s PC and is ready to move to the next user. Which of the following is the appropriate NEXT step? (Select TWO).
A. View the CMD process in Task Manager
B. Type EXIT at the command prompt and press Enter
C. Minimize the CMD box to the taskbar
D. Click the “x” in the top right of the CMD window
E. Select Switch User on the PC
A technician is trying to install Windows on a computer. The install process reports there are no storage devices available, but the BIOS shows a hard drive is installed. Which of the following does the technician need to do?
A. Create a primary partition
C. Enable PXE
D. Install third-party drivers
After several recent application updates, a technician has noticed a marked change in the performance of the OS on a client’s computer. Several OS commands no longer seem to function or report “file not found” errors. The technician suspects the application updates have overwritten some of the OS files. The technician wishes to repair the OS first. Which of the following would be the NEXT course of action?
A. Edit the system’s environmental variables to remove the application’s path.
B. Run the System File Checker tool with the /scannow switch.
C. Boot the PC into safe mode and completely uninstall the applications.
D. Use the MSCONFIG to remove the applications from launching upon boot.
Ann, a user, discovers that all of her documents will not open. The documents open properly on another computer. Which of the following tools will be the FASTEST for a technician to use to allow the documents to open?
A. Backup
B. Recovery Image
C. chkdsk
D. System Restore
A user is unable to find the preferred default network printer in the printers list in the user profile. Which of the following is the FIRST step that should be taken?
A. Map printer
B. Reboot computer
C. Check to see if printer is turned on
D. Log in as a different user and see if printer is mapped
A technician is tasked with installing Windows on numerous network PCs. Which of the following is the QUICKEST method for getting a standard configuration to the PCs?
A. Prebuilt image using PXE
B. Single solid state/flash drive with answer file
C. Hot swappable image drive
D. Internal hard drive partition with the image
A technician needs to perform a backup while a system is running. Which of the following services allows this task to be accomplished?
A. Robocopy
B. Shadow copy
C. Xcopy
D. System restore
A PC technician notices that the printers deployed via a new Group Policy are not showing up on the workstation. Which of the following commands should be run on the PC?
A. extract
B. robocopy
C. gpupdate
D. tasklist
Which of the following should be used to ensure that a Windows OS is functioning optimally?
A. Driver updates
B. Scheduled backups
C. Application updates
D. Restore points
A programmer installed a modified DLL file and is having problems with Windows not running correctly now. Which of the following commands is BEST used to repair the computer?
A. msconfig
B. format
C. dcl
D. sfc
Which of the following updates should be performed on a regular basis to ensure the OS has the latest security patches?
A. Anti-malware updates
B. Driver updates
C. Windows updates
D. Firmware updates
A technician is remotely connecting to a workstation using SSH to transfer a security hotfix. Which of the following command line tools would the technician use to create a directory to store the hotfix?
A. dir
B. rd
C. cd
D. md
A technician needs to verify and replace important individual system files on a Windows computer. Which of the following will verify and replace protected Windows system files?
B. System Restore