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Scenario: There are two domains in an organization: Domain A and Domain B. A Citrix Engineer configured SAML authentication for Domain A, without implementing Citrix Federated Authentication Service (FAS).While launching the Citrix apps, the Single Sign-on will __________.
A. work for users from Domain A and NOT for users from Domain B
B. work for users from Domain B and NOT for users from Domain A
C. work for the users from Domain A and Domain B
D. NOT work for the users from Domain A and Domain B
Scenario: A Citrix Engineer is managing a large environment with multiple locations. The setup is as follows:- The setup has a single Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops site with multiple zones such as a Primary zone and 3 Satellite zones.-Virtual Delivery Agents (VDAs) are available for all applications in all 3 Satellite zones.-An application 'app1' has its application database located in Satellite zone.-As a sovereign mandate, it is desirable that this application database should NOT be accessible from zones 2 and 3.-The application does NOT create any database cache and cannot work if the database is NOT reachable. - The outage is acceptable for complying with the sovereign mandate.Which zone preference should the engineer configure to achieve this setup?
A. Mandatory application home to Satellite zone 1
B. User home to Satellite zone 1
C. Mandatory user home to Satellite zone 1
D. Application home to Satellite zone 1
Scenario: A Citrix Engineer is working on a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops deployment. The engineer isconsidering implementation of a multi-zone site instead of multiple sites.Which three benefits of zones can help the engineer to support this decision? (Choose three.)
A. Zones can help in managing multiple locations without multiple SQL databases.
B. Zone implementation in a site reduces the dependency of site on site database.
C. Zones lower the administrative overhead and implementation cost.
D. Zones help users with fast resource access.
E. Zones can help in controlling application location launches through zone preference.
Scenario: A Citrix Engineer noticed that a Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops environment lost connection to the SQL servers where the Citrix databases are running. Due to this, the Site has become unmanaged and firsttime users CANNOT connect to their Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktops resources.The setup was recently upgraded from Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7.11 to Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops 7.15 CU4.What should the engineer do to minimize the impact of the SQL outage?
A. Enable Connection Leasing.
B. Enable IntelliCache.
C. Enable Local Host Cache.
D. Configure Citrix Database Cache.
Which two components are hosted in Citrix Cloud when using Workspace Environment Management (WEM)service? (Choose two.)
A. Microsoft SQL Server database
B. Active Directory Infrastructure
C. WEM Infrastructure Service
D. All machines with WEM Agent installed
A Citrix Engineer wants to enable the "Log Off Web Portal When Session is Launched" feature within Workspace Environment Management (WEM) transformer settings.What does the engineer need to do prior to enabling this feature?
A. Set Workspace control to NOT automatically reconnect to the sessions when users log onto StoreFront.
B. Set Workspace control settings to log off from session when users log off from StoreFront.
C. Set Workspace control to automatically reconnect to the sessions when users log onto StoreFront.
D. Set Workspace control settings to NOT log off a session when users log off from StoreFront.