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Scenario: A Citrix Engineer is managing an existing XenDesktop and Workspace Environment Management(WEM) infrastructure. The engineer performed recent benchmarks on all the user applications. As a result ofthis investigation, the engineer determined that some applications are consuming excess memory even whenthey are idle and NOT actively being utilized by users. This results in performance degradation of activeapplications.Which step can the engineer take to help improve the performance degradation of active applications?
A. Enable Working Set Optimization and set Idle State Limit to 10 minutes.
B. Enable Process I/O Priority and add Specified Processes.
C. Enable Working Set Optimization and set Idle Sample Time to 10 minutes.
D. Enable Working Set Optimization and Exclude Specified Processes.
Scenario: Currently users log in to their desktop and are prompted several times for credentials while accessing XenApp published applications. The XenApp Administrator is asked to configure pass-through authentication to ensure that users only log in to their desktop and will NOT get prompted anymore. Which three components will need to be configured when setting up pass-through authentication? (Choose three.)
A. Web Interface.
B. ICAClient.ADM.
C. Citrix Receiver.
D. XenApp Servers.
E. Citrix User policy.
F. Citrix Single sign-on.
Which component of Workspace Environment Management (WEM) is responsible for enforcing session settings?
A. Active Directory infrastructure
B. Agent Host
C. SQL Database
D. Infrastructure Services Broker
What is the recommended configuration for deployment different versions of Microsoft Office?
A. Create a distinct layer for each version.
B. Install Microsoft Office in an Elastic Layer.
C. Create one image template from all layers that contain Microsoft Office.
D. Install the latest version on the OS Layer and other versions on App Layers.
Scenario: A Citrix Engineer is designing a multi-server Provisioning Services solution. The solution must be highly available and minimize the risk of vDisk inconsistency. Which configuration can the engineer implement to meet the needs of this design?
A. Configure a separate local vDisk Store on two Provisioning Services on different sites and use the
export/import feature to replicate the vDisks.
B. Configure a separate local vDisk Store on each Provisioning Services server and use rsync for Windows
to replicate the vDisks.
C. Configure vDisk Store on a Common Internet File System (CIFS) share on a Network Attached Storage
(NAS) for each Provisioning Services server.
D. Create the Provisioning Services vDisk Store on a configured, single Distributed File System (DFS)
How can a Citrix Engineer add a network printer to Workspace Environment Management (WEM)?
A. Use the Management Agent Host Configuration ADMX template to specify the network printer
B. Use the Import Network Print Server option to add the print server name, then connect to the network
C. Configure an XML printer list to add the print server, then connect to the network printer.
D. Add the printer in the Control Panel portion of the environmental settings.
Scenario: A Citrix XenApp Administrator plans to integrate a new application. This application is profiled to be streamed to a group of users and will be published to be streamed to the client. Some users are able to launch the streamed application but a few of them are NOT able to do so. What could cause this issue?
A. The administrator did NOT install Citrix Receiver.
B. The administrator did NOT configure Citrix Receiver.
C. The administrator did NOT install the Citrix Offline Plug-in.
D. The administrator did NOT configure the Citrix Offline Plug-in.