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You needed to replace the legacy Jira group all-staff-europe with a newly created all-staff-global group. You created the new group and you migrated all users to the new group. Then you deleted the legacy group.Which four problems might users report after the change? (Choose four.)
A. Filter subscriptions send out errors instead of issues statistics.
B. Workflow transitions are hidden from certain users.
C. Users are not able to perform bulk change operations.
D. Users are not able to log in to Jira anymore.
E. Comments that were restricted to the legacy group are lost.
F. Filter results return an incorrect number of issues.
A project has hundreds of old completed issues which are cluttering up the reports, searches, and dashboards. The project administrator has the following requirements:1. He wants to hide the old issues.2. He wants to unhide issues, if needed.3. He wants to control whether he himself sees the hidden issues, so they do not clutter his own daily work.Which three configurations, when combined, will meet these requirements? (Choose three.)
A. security level
B. project permission
C. workflow condition
D. project role
E. global permission
F. group
Your company will migrate to Jira. You plan to import with a CSV file. Which fields are required as CSV columns for your import?
A. Project
B. Project, Summary
C. Summary
D. Project, Issue Type
E. Summary, Issue Type