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SAP C_TS460_1909 Exam Dumps

SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Sales 2021 Upskilling

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Update Date : December 01, 2024
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C_TS460_1909 Dumps

Dumpsspot offers the best C_TS460_1909 exam dumps that comes with 100% valid questions and answers. With the help of our trained team of professionals, the C_TS460_1909 Dumps PDF carries the highest quality. Our course pack is affordable and guarantees a 98% to 100% passing rate for exam. Our C_TS460_1909 test questions are specially designed for people who want to pass the exam in a very short time.

Most of our customers choose Dumpsspot's C_TS460_1909 study guide that contains questions and answers that help them to pass the exam on the first try. Out of them, many have passed the exam with a passing rate of 98% to 100% by just training online.

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SAP C_TS460_1909 Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which statement regarding the copy control is correct?

A. The copy control for sales documents controls the transfer of data at header, item, and schedule line level
B. The copy control allows you to create sales documents with reference to other sales documents, delivery documents, and billing documents

Question # 2

Which of the following functions can be used to display an overview of customer specific prices for various customers on one screen?

A. Pricing procedure
B. Pricing report
C. Pricing log
D. Net price list

Question # 3

You are using customer hierarchies. The discount HI01 should be based on the values maintained on the different nodes of a customer hierarchy. Which option allows you to integrate this discount into your pricing strategy?

A. Setting the hierarchy flag within the condition record of HI01 for the main node. This allows the maintenance and automatic determination of discounts based on different sub-level nodes of a customer hierarchy
B. Implementing a pricing procedure that contains the condition type HI01 several times according to the number of levels of your customer hierarchy. You also need to set a priority within the pricing procedure
C. Assigning an access sequence to the condition type HI01 consisting of multiple access using the same condition table. During each access, a different node is filled as the document field in the source field HINER
D. Setting condition type HI01 as a structure condition. You can maintain records based on this condition for the different hierarchy nodes. These will be found automatically by the system

Question # 4

Your sales representative wants to enter a discount that should only be entered manually within the pricing screen of a sales order in addition to the conditions that were automatically determined. In which of the following ways do you implement this business requirement? (2)

A. Ensure that the condition type exists in the pricing procedure used in the sales order
B. Mark the condition type within the pricing procedure as a manual condition
C. Assign as access sequence to the condition type
D. Maintain a condition record for the discount that should be entered manually