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Oracle 1z0-900 Exam Dumps

Java EE 7 Application Developer

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Update Date : December 01, 2024
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Oracle 1z0-900 Sample Questions

Question # 1

You are building the User Preferences page of an application. A user can change values, such as his or her name, password, address, company, and so on. These values are sent to a CDI backing bean via AJAX when the user tabs out of each field However, the values must be retained in the CDI bean and stored in the database only when the user clicks the Save button.Which two scopes will allow your CDI bean to retain its state while the user is interacting with the User Preferences page? (Choose two.)

A. Dependent
B. View
C. Session
D. Request
E. Application

Question # 2

Which two approaches would result in the current date being added to the output of a JSP? (Choose two.)

A. <%= out.printIn(new java.util.Date()) %>
B. <% out.printIn(new java.util.Date()); %>
C. <%= new java.util.Date() %>
D. <% System.out.printIn(new java.util.Date()); %>

Question # 3

Your customer wants to transfer material from facility A to facility B. They are using the interorganization transfer to perform the transaction in the system. Their requirement is “whenever material is transferred from their facility A to facility B, facility B needs to pay 5% additional amount to the current item cost”.Which task must be set up to accomplish this requirement?

A. Manage Interorganization Markup
B. Manage Transfer Pricing Rules
C. Manage Cost Plus Pricing
D. Manage Cost Organization Relationships
E. Manage Organization Relationships

Question # 4

Your customer wants to transfer material from facility A to facility B. They are using the interorganization transfer to perform the transaction in the system. Their requirement is “whenever material is transferred from their facility A to facility B, facility B needs to pay 5% additional amount to the current item cost”.Which task must be set up to accomplish this requirement? 

A. Manage Interorganization Markup
B. Manage Transfer Pricing Rules
C. Manage Cost Plus Pricing
D. Manage Cost Organization Relationships
E. Manage Organization Relationships

Question # 5

You need to develop a chat application, which allows the display of emoticons and images together with text messages. How should you configure a WebSocket endpoints to receive both text and binary messages?

A. Create two @onMessage methods in the same endpoint with appropriate parameter types.
B. Define the @onMessage methods in your endpoint with Object as parameter and check the actual typein your code.
C. You can achieve this only by creating separate WebSocket endpoints for each message type.
D. Create two @onMessage methods, each with appropriate decoder attribute in the same endpoint.

Question # 6

You defined an Inventory Organization that is meant to track the contract manufacturing process outsourced to a supplier. Where do you mention that this Inventory Organization is meant for one particular supplier?

A. Manage Inventory Organization Locations
B. Manage Subinventories
C. Manage Inventory Organizations
D. Manage Contract Manufacturing Relationships
E. Manage Item Organizations

Question # 7

You need to exchange large binary messages using chunks in a WebSocket application. Identify two ways in which you can receive partial messages. (Choose two.) 

A. Define an @OnMessage method with a single MimePart parameter.
B. Use a ChunkListener interface implementation.
C. Use a MessageHandler.Partial<ByteBuffer> interface implementation.
D. Define an @OnMessage method with byte [] as the first parameter and a boolean as the secondparameter.