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You deploy more than one application to the same WebLogic container. The security is set on JavaEE level and all deployed JavaEE applications use the same security roles.What is your recommendation for an architecture with those requirement
A. Combine all applications into a single one.
B. Define global roles on the WebLogic Domain level.
C. Use Ms Active Directory to keep the roles there.
D. Use Oracle Identity and Access Management solution to simplify the management.
E. Keep role mapping in the external WebLogic Role Mapped developed for that solution.
When your WebLogic Server solution needs to be scaled out with additional capacity and you don't want to add additional hardware, which three techniques should you us?
A. Assign more than one managed server to a physical hardware that allows better CPU utilization.
B. Assign more than one application to one managed server to better utilize threads within a single JVM process.
C. Assign the same application to more than one managed server to load balance requests between servers.
D. Assign the same heap size to the managed server across the cluster for easier control of memory footprint
E. Create a virtualized environment with hypervisor for an easier solution
A highly available WebLogic cluster in UNIX is configured for automatic server migration. Node Managed is configured on both machines to start managed servers.How should you simulate a managed server failure to test whether automatic server migration is working?
A. Shut down the managed server from the WebLogic console.
B. Shut down the managed server using the WLST command through Node Manager.
C. Run 'kill -9' once to kill the managed server process.
D. Run 'kill -9' to kill the managed server process, and run 'kill -9' one more time if the managed server is restarting.
A customer claims that while redeploying a web application in the production system all their customers are having to log in again. What do you recommend?
A. Sessions can't be preserved when redeploying applications. The customer needs to consider redeployment during late nights when the traffic is low.
B.. Change the flag responsible for the development mode of their environment. In the production mode, all sessions are preserved while redeploying application.
C. Change Hotspot to JRockit. Sessions can't be preserved on HotSpot when redeploying application.
D. Use flag -version when redeploying the application. This will switch on the Side By Side deployment feature and preserve existing sessions.
E. Open a service request with Oracle Support. This is unexpected behavior. Sessions are preserved without any extra settings.
A common approach to solve application performance issues is to add more hardware. Which two reasons describe why this alone does not always solve performance problems?
A. There may be a bottleneck in the application that additional hardware would not solve.
B. Adding more hardware is costly and time consuming.
C. Adding hardware at the application layer may place additional load on an already overloaded database, network appliance, or storage system.
D. Adding more hardware may introduce new configuration requirements that need to be tested.