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How can a Citrix Administrator configure a rewrite policy to change the version of HTTP from 1.1 to 1.0 in every request?
A. >add rewrite action RW_ACT replace http.res.version “\”HTTPS/1.0\””
> add rewrite policy RW_POL true RW_ACT
B. >add rewrite action RW_ACT replace http.req.version “\”HTTPS/1.1\””
> add rewrite policy RW_POL true RW_ACT
C. >add rewrite action RW_ACT replace http.res.version “\”HTTPS/1.1\””
> add rewrite policy RW_POL true RW_ACT
D. >add rewrite action RW_ACT replace http.req.version “\”HTTPS/1.0\””
> add rewrite policy RW_POL true RW_ACT
Scenario: A Citrix Administrator needs to configure a Responder policy, so that the string “/mytraining” is added to every URL path received.The administrator should use these commands to accomplish this: >add responder action Redirect_Act redirect “HTTP.REQ.URL.PATH_AND_QUERY+\”mytraining\”” – responseStatusCode 302 >add responder policy Redirect_Pol___________Redirect_Act >bind lb vServer lb_vsrv_www –policyName Redirect_Pol –priority 100 –gotoPriorityExpression END – type_______ (Choose the correct option to complete the set of commands.)
A. “(HTTP.REQ.URL.STARTSWITH(\”mytraining\”))”
B. “(HTTP.REQ.URL.STARTSWITH(\”mytraining\”))”
C. “!(HTTP.REQ.URL.ENDSWITH(\”mytraining\”))”
D. “!(HTTP.REQ.URL.ENDSWITH(\”mytraining\”))”
Scenario: A Citrix Administrator configured an authentication, authorization, and auditing (AAA) policy to allow users access through the Citrix ADC. The administrator bound the policy to a specific vServer.Which policy expression will allow all users access through the vServer?
A. true
B. false
C. ns_true
D. ns_false
Which two steps are necessary to configure global server load balancing (GSLB) service selection using content switching (CS)? (Choose two.)
A. Bind the domain to the CS vServer instead of the GSLB vServer.
B. Configure CS policies that designate a load-balancing vServer as the target vServer.
C. Configure a CS vServer of target type GSLB.
D. Bind the GSLB domain to the GSLB vServer.
Which two policies can a Citrix Administrator configure using only the advanced policy expression? (Choose two.)
B. Integrated caching
D. System