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Which virtual machine does VMware recommend be manually excluded from the Distributed Firewall?
A. NSX Manager
B. Microsoft SQL Server
C. vRealize Automation Appliance
D. vCenter Server
What is one of the benefits of using logical switches in an NSX environment?
A. Quality of Service parameters are automatically configured in a logical switch.
B. The physical infrastructure is responsible for maintaining the logical switch broadcast tables.
C. The physical infrastructure is not constrained by MAC/FIB table limits.
D. IP subnet definitions can be migrated into logical switches using the NSX Manager.
A group of users needs secured access to a set of web-based applications in a SDDC.Which VPN option is best suited for this?
D. Application VPN
What are two things that should be done before upgrading from vCloud Networking and Security to NSX?(Choose two.)
A. Power off vShield Manager
B. Deploy NSX Manager virtual appliance
C. Uninstall vShield Data Security
D. Ensure that forward and reverse DNS is functional
Which three methods can be used by the NSX Distributed Firewall to discover IP addresses? (Choose three.)
A. DHCP Snooping
B. IP Sets
C. Spoofguard configured for Trust on First Use.
D. VMware Tools installed on every guest virtual machine.
E. ARP Snooping
Which two network services are abstracted from the underlying hardware by NSX? (Choose two.)
A. Virtual Private Networks.
B. Multiprotocol Label Switching.
C. Load Balancing.
D. Overlay Transport Virtualizations.