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What is the primary benefit of implementing the Intelligent Monitoring Framework feature for resources?
A. monitoring of cluster-to-cluster heartbeat
B. monitoring of Virtual machines
C. immediate notification of resource state change
D. monitoring application outside cluster configuration
An administrator wants to make a single instance Oracle database highly available and take advantage of Veritas Cluster File System. Which solution should the administrator deploy?
A. InfoScale Enterprise
B. InfoScale Availability
C. InfoScale Storage
D. InfoScale Foundation and InfoScale Availability
The administrator of a four-node Veritas cluster has configured notifications as highly available for all notification methods. How many notification manager resources are running when all nodes are considered?
A. only one
B. one for each ServiceGroup
C. one for each node
D. two resources (one for SMTP, one for SNMP)
Which two standard Veritas Cluster Server resource types can determine if an application is taken offline unexpectedly outside the cluster’s control? (Select two.)
A. Process
B. FileOnOnly
C. CoordPoint
D. Application
E. Phantom