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Agents and managers cannot create knowledge articles from Community questions.
A. True
B. False
Information about a customers service contract is found in Knowledge.
A. False
B. True
From what places in SN can an agent create a case? (Choose three.)
A. Customer Service Application
B. Contact
C. Account
D. Chat
What are the conditions that matching rules are based on? (Choose two.)
A. Agent resources best suited to work on a case
B. Specific routing rules
C. Filters set up in advanced work assignment
D. Specific case attributes
Matching rules enhance assignment capability by ____________________.
A. Matching best agent by availability
B. Providing dynamic matching of cases to groups or individuals
C. Determining if account is a customer or partner
D. Matching best agent by skill
Special Handling Notes can apply to which one of the following based on specific attributes?
A. Domain
B. Contact
C. Holiday
Predictive Intelligence improves Case management by:
A. Predicting what values should have gone into empty fields in historical records
B. Reducing the number of records needed to accurately predict a value
C. Replacing legacy routing rules
D. Predicting Case values without manual intervention
Which of the following is a condition for matching rules?
A. Agent domain
B. Assignment
C. Switching
D. Specific case attributes
What do blue circles in the timeline of a case form represent?
A. Note
B. State
C. Activity
D. Comment
Predictive Intelligence improves triage quality by eliminating the guesswork. Predictive Intelligence supports which of the following decisions? (Choose two.)
A. Case Escalation
B. Case State
C. Case Categorization
D. Case Prioritization
Which Business Rules are part of the Customer Service Management baseline configuration? (Choose two.)
A. Apply Role by Customer
B. Auto Assessment
C. Change Update to Close
D. Update Case Entitlement