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Which enablement tools will Configuration Experts use to demonstrate scope items in a Fit-to-Standard workshop? 4
A. Learning center
B. Starter System
C. Business Process Flows
D. Business Driven Configuration Questionnaires
E. SAP Learning Hub
F. Test Scripts
What type of extensibility is not available in SAP S / 4HANA Cloud? one
A. Classic extensibility
B. Managed extensibility
C. Key user extensibility
Where must the initial project team users be created to log into the SAP S / 4HANA Cloud starter system for the first time? one
A. SAP Cloud Platform
B. SAP S / 4HANA Cloud Fiori app
C. SAP Cloud Administration Center
D. SAP S / 4HANA Cloud Starter System
Which of the following reasons can a purchaser select to dismiss the situation message in the case of overdue purchase order items?Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Reject
B. Invalidate
C. Obsolete
D. Solve
E. Approve
Which activities can you perform in the Ariba Quote Automation Integration for Procurement process? 3
A. Accept the supplier's bidding in SAP Ariba Discovery.
B. Submit the price quote in SAP S / 4HANA. x
C. Change the request for quotation in SAP Ariba Discovery
D. Approve the supplier's quotation in SAP S / 4HANA