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You want to trigger additional service activities for a registered product regularly if a specific measurement reading threshold is reached. What type of maintenance plan should you create?
A. Alternating
B. Fixed
C. Absolute
D. Cyclical
You release an invoicing-relevant item with processing type Part Consumption from Technician Stock from an SAP Cloud for Customer work ticket to SAP ERP Where are the quantity fields used? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. The target quantity is used in the goods movement
B. The target quantity is used in the billing request item
C. The actual quantity is used in the goods movement
D. The actual quantity is used in the billing request item
Which of the following prepackaged mashups exist for SAP Cloud for Customer? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Google maps
B. Whatsapp
C. Mindtouch
D. Hotmail
What can you use to control user privilages in SAP Cloud for Customer? Note: There are 3 correct answers to this question.
A. Business user
B. Code list restrictions
C. Work center view
D. Business configuration
E. Business role
In which of the following ways can a service technician record and manage actual work? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
A. Automatically on creation of a time report
B. Manually using the time entry screen
C. Manually using the service entry screen
D. Automatically using start/stop buttons
Which of the following platforms can you integrate out-of-the-box with SAP Cloud for Customer?
A. Mindouch
B. Google Docs
C. Microsoft Sharepoint
What do you use to restrict the completion of the main ticket when the related sub-tickets are still open?
A. Code list restriction
B. Fine-tuning activities
C. Workflow rule
D. Scoping option
How do you restrict the completion of the main ticket when the related sub ticket are still open?
A. By Activating fine tuning activities
B. By creating a user defined ticket status
C. By enabling scoping questions
D. By creating workflowrule