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Salesforce Salesforce-Hyperautomation-Specialist Exam Dumps

Salesforce Certified Hyperautomation Specialist Exam

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Total Questions : 60
Update Date : December 01, 2024
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Salesforce-Hyperautomation-Specialist Dumps

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Salesforce Salesforce-Hyperautomation-Specialist Sample Questions

Question # 1

AnyAirlines wants to create a new marketing campaign that sends customers special offersevery month based on their accrued loyalty points. There is an existing integration forcustomer data using MuleSoft's API-led three-tier strategy. Loyalty information exists in anexternal system that can be accessed via an HTTP endpoint provided by the system, buthas no current integration. The external ID used will be email address.The desired output is a CSV file containing customers that includes only the top 10 percentof loyalty point holders.What is the most efficient way to meet this requirement?

A. 1. Have the MuleSoft team develop a new integration that includes a System API to theLoyalty system and uses the existing Customer System API.2. Create a Process API to output the final results.3. Create an Experience API for the business consumers to initiate the integration.
B. 1. Create a MuleSoft Composer flow that utilizes the current Customer integration toselect all customers.2. Create an additional MuleSoft Composer flow that retrieves all the Loyalty information.3. Create a MuleSoft Composer flow that combines the two previous results and outputsthe top 10 percent to a CSV file.
C. 1. Have the MuleSoft team develop a new integration that includes a new System API toboth the Customer and Loyally systems.2. Create a Process API to output the final results.3. Create an Experience API for the business consumers to initiate the integration.
D. 1. Create a Salesforce Flow that retrieves the Contact data.2. Create a Salesforce Flow that retrieves the Loyalty data.3. Create a Flow Orchestration that uses the two flows and outputs the result to a CSV file.

Question # 2

Northern Trail Outfitters wants to create an automation which runs on a fixed schedule toenter sales data into NetSuite running as a process in the background. The businessproduct owner chose MuleSoft Composer as the tool for this task.The Salesforce admin wants to advise the product owner about how the MuleSoftComposer scheduling functionality works.Which two options are available for use as the time mechanism within MuleSoftComposer? (Choose two.)

A. Schedule based on a formula
B. Every 30 minutes
C. Every 30 days
D. Every 5 minutes

Question # 3

AnyAirlines releases a new REST API that exposes access to an RPA process. The RPAprocess can only handle a limited number of interactions per second before the API beginsreturning errors. Which policy should AnyAirlines apply to prevent the API from being overloaded?

A. JSON threat protection
B. Rate Limiting - SLA
C. Spike Control
D. Client ID Enforcement