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What is the best method to safeguard customer data privacy?
Automatically anonymize all
customer data.
Track customer data consent
Archive customer data on a
recurring schedule.
What are some key benefits of AI in improving customer experiences in CRM?
Improves CRM
security protocols, safeguarding sensitive customer data from potential
breaches and threats
Streamlines case management by categorizing and tracking customer support cases, identifying topics, and summarizing case resolutions
Fully automates the customer service experience, ensuring seamless automated interactions with customers
What is a potential source of bias in training data for AI models?
The data is collected in area time from sources systems.
The data is skewed toward is particular demographic or source.
The data is collected from a diverse range of sources and demographics.
Cloud Kicks wants to optimize its business operations by incorporating AI into its CRM.What should the company do first to prepare its data for use with AI?
Remove biased data.
Determine data availability.
Determine data outcomes.
How does an organization benefit from using AI to personalize the shopping experience of online customers?
A. Customers are more likely to share personal information with a site that personalizes their experience.
B. Customers are more likely to be satisfied with their shopping experience.
C. Customers are more likely to visit competitor sites that personalize their experience.