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An agile team and a traditional development team are working together on a project. Each team exceeds expectations regarding deliverables; however, issues arise when the deliverables are integrated.What should the agile practitioner do?
A. Foster stronger communication by hosting cross-organizational meetings between the two teams.
B. Suggest merging the teams to avoid misunderstandings.
C. Create stories from full technical specifications to avoid ambiguity.
D. Co-locate the teams to encourage osmotic communication.
A product owner complains that some of the requirements identified several Aerations ago have not been implemented. The product owner wants to know why the status of these requirements was not communicated What should the Scrum Master do?
A. Point out that the team chose to work on other requirements to speed up the project
B. Ensure that the product owner reviews the contents of the information radiator
C. Ensure that the next sprint planning meeting reviews the satisfaction histogram
D. Point out that it is the responsibility of the product owner to clarify requirements
A globally distributed project team is using email and phone calls as the only way to share information. Delays in resolving issues often occur due to misinterpreted communications, leading to a lower team velocity.What steps should the project leader take to improve knowledge sharing?
A. Meet individually with each team member to identify the issues and relay information to
the remaining members through status reports.
B. Establish a live video feed between the dispersed teams to enable spontaneous engagement and collaboration on issues.
C. Request that the customer co-locate the team to overcome the communication issues,
as this is the only method to ensure agility.
D. Inform the customer of the challenges and lower velocity of the project to accomodate
for the slower delivery pace.
A projects first iteration contains item A. and its second iteration contains item B. The first iteration is behind schedule which will impact the second iteration Since items A and B are similar a team member suggests beginning the design of item B. What should the agile practitioner do?
A. Defer starting the design of item B until the second iteration is being planned
B. Proceed with the design of item B, since it will hasten the second iteration
C. Escalate the issue to me customer and obtain their approval before starting the design of item B
D. Log the issue in the risk register and request change control board (CCB) approval
An agile practitioner wants to ensure that stakeholders have current information about a project's progress What should the agile practitioner do?
A. Regularly circulate an updated, detailed version of the project plan
B. Frequently update the online project management office (PMO) repository site
C. invite the stakeholders to daily stand ups
D. Post a project board in an area where all can view it.
When a learn member encounters an issue in an agile environment, what should they do?
A. Limit communication between the team members and the customer to prevent unnecessary anxiety
B. Manage communication between ail team members and the customer to promote effective and transparent collaboration
C. Manage communication between a few team members and the customer so that they may convey information to other team members
D. Facilitate one-on-one communication between team members to reduce conflict and inefficiencies
A team's technical lead believes that manual testing tasks should be conducted by junior team members below their level. The junior team members think it is unfair and refuse the tasks.What should the scrum master do?
A. Tell the technical lead to do the testing.
B. Facilitate an open and focused team discussion that reinforces team agreements.
C. Ask the team manager to advise the technical lead that all tasks are important.
D. Encourage the team to take ownership of the delivery.
A seven-member agile team's composition varies considerably in age, gender, culture, personality type, and professional background. When planning a team-building event, what type of interpersonal skills should the project leader use?
A. Networking
B. Social awareness
C. Communication
D. Leadership
Business stakeholders of an agile project frequently skip the review meetings. What should the agile practitioner do?
A. Ask the product owner to inform all stakeholders about the project's progress.
B. Send meeting notes to all stakeholders after each review meeting.
C. Include the results of the review meetings in the information radiators.
D. Convince the stakeholders of the benefits of attending the review meetings.
A scrum master assumes a project that is essential to organizational growth. The project is expected to be in production for three years. What should the scrum master do first?
A. Work with the customers to build the product backlog and identify their initial
B. Meet with the stakeholders and enterprise architects to understand the project's vision.
C. Plan and execute a sprint 0 to establish the project's foundational needs.
D. Create a backlog, and execute a sprint 1 to quickly deliver value to the customers.
A product owner new to the role is very enthusiastic about an agile protect with an energetic team. What should be done first to ensure successful delivery of the product?
A. Hold a meeting with the team and the product owner to develop the team charter,
working agreement, guiding principles and product vision
B. Ask the product owner to create the project vision and charter and then discuss the
guiding principles with the team
C. Hold a meeting during which the team can present the protect charter, high-level project
plan and team values to the product owner
D. Send the product owner to formal product-owner training where the product owner can
learn how to create a product vision