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NetApp NS0-163 Exam Dumps

NetApp Certified Data Administrator ONTAP Professional

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Total Questions : 243
Update Date : December 01, 2024
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NS0-163 Dumps

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NetApp NS0-163 Sample Questions

Question # 1

A volume can contain up to___snapshots concurrently. 

A. 125 
B. 225 
C. 255 
D. Depends on capacity and number of disk drives 

Question # 2

You can unlicense the cluster feature only in 

A. normal, disabled 
B. normal, enabled 
C. takeover, disabled 
D. takeover, enabled 

Question # 3

A mirrored volume has a failed disk, but there are no available spares in the pool from which the degraded plex was built. Data ONTAP will:

A. Choose spare disks to reconstruct from the opposite pool
B. Warn you that there are no available spares from the proper pool
C. "Halt" after 24 hours if spare disks are not added to the proper pool
D. Stop all applications that are running

Question # 4

Which one of the following keywords alone can be used to convert an asynchronous mirror to be synchornous?

A. cksum 
B. src_con 
C. sync 
D. outstanding 

Question # 5

What command would you enter to restore the /vol/flexvol0/etc/rc file from a snapshot to the /vol/flexvol0/home directory?

A. snap restore -r vol /vol/flexvol0/home/rc /vol/flexvol0/etc/rc 
B. snap restore -t /vol/flexvol0/home/rc /vol/flexvol0/etc/rc 
C. snap restore -t file -r /vol/flexvol0/home/rc /vol/flexvol0/etc/rc 
D. snap restore -s /vol/flexvol0/home/rc /vol/flexvol0/etc/rc 

Question # 6

Which one of the following commands would you use to disable client access to snapshots on a volume called /vol/flexvoM? 

A. vol options/vol/flexvoM nosnapdiroff
B. vol options/vol/flexvoM nosnapdiron
C. vol options/vol/flexvoM snapdiroff
D. vol options/vol/flexvoM snapdiron

Question # 7

Which three of the following configurations would increase data transfer rates for traditional volume SnapMirror?

A. The destination and source contain disks of the same size. 
B. The destination and source contain RAID groups of the same size. 
C. The destination and source storage appliances are no further than 30 meters apart. 
D. The destination and source contain the same number of RAID groups. 

Question # 8

What user-controllable security mechanism is built into OSSV?

A. QSM access list modifiable via svconfigurator
B. Contents inside a file called access and located in OSSV <installdir>/snapvault/etc
C. Via/etc/hosts.equiv file
D. MD5 based authentication between SnapVault primary and secondary, with changeable password

Question # 9

The snapvault update command is only available on the secondary system. 

A. True 
B. False 

Question # 10

Data ONTAP uses inodes in an active file system to reference_______________

A. disk blocks
B. file segments
C. qtrees
D. snapshots

Question # 11

What is the format for snapvault schedule? 

B. crontab format 
C. cnt[@day_list][@hour_list] 
D. List of dates in ISO Date format 

Question # 12

Which one of the following commands is used to specify the destination appliance(s) that are allowed to replicate (pul data from the source appliance?

A. options snapmirror.allow 
B. snapmirror release 
C. snapmirror initialize 
C. snapmirror initialize