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National Council Licensure Examination(NCLEX-PN)

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NCLEX NCLEX-PN Sample Questions

Question # 1

A middle-aged woman tells the nurse that she has been experiencing irregular menses forthe past six months. The nurse should assess the woman for other symptoms of:

A. climacteric.
B. menopause.
C. perimenopause.
D. postmenopause.

Question # 2

When administering intravenous electrolyte solution, the nurse should take which of thefollowing precautions? 

A. Infuse hypertonic solutions rapidly.
B. Mix no more than 80 mEq of potassium per liter of fluid.
C. Prevent infiltration of calcium, which causes tissue necrosis and sloughing.
D. As appropriate, reevaluate the client’s digitalis dosage. He might need an increaseddosage because IV calcium diminishes digitalis’s action.

Question # 3

Which of the following foods should be avoided by clients who are prone to developheartburn as a result of gastroesophgeal reflux disease (GERD)?

A. lettuce
B. eggs
C. chocolate
D. butterscotch

Question # 4

Which of the following is likely to increase the risk of sexually transmitted disease?

A. alcohol use
B. certain types of sexual practices
C. oral contraception use
D. all of the above

Question # 5

When a client needs oxygen therapy, what is the highest flow rate that oxygen can bedelivered via nasal cannula?

A. 2 liters/minute
B. 4 liters/minute
C. 6 liters/minute
D. 8 liters/minute

Question # 6

Which of the following lab values is associated with a decreased risk of cardiovasculardisease?

A. high HDL cholesterol
B. low HDL cholesterol
C. low total cholesterol
D. low triglycerides

Question # 7

What is the primary nutritional deficiency of concern for a strict vegetarian?

A. vitamin C
B. vitamin B12
C. vitamin E
D. magnesium

Question # 8

Why must the nurse be careful not to cut through or disrupt any tears, holes, bloodstains,or dirt present on the clothing of a client who has experienced trauma?

A. The clothing is the property of another and must be treated with care.
B. Such care facilitates repair and salvage of the clothing.
C. The clothing of a trauma victim is potential evidence with legal implications.
D. Such care decreases trauma to the family members receiving the clothing.

Question # 9

Nurses caring for clients who have cancer and are taking opioids need to assess for all ofthe following except:

A. tolerance.
B. constipation.
C. sedation. 
D. addiction.

Question # 10

The nurse explains to a client who underwent gastric resection that which of the following meals is most likely to cause rapid emptying of the stomach?

A. a high-protein meal
B. a high-fat meal
C. a large meal regardless of nutrient content
D. a high-carbohydrate meal

Question # 11

Following a classic cholecystectomy resection for multiple stones, the PACU nurseobserves a serosanguious drainage on the dressing. The most appropriate intervention isto:

A. notify the physician of the drainage.
B. change the dressing.
C. reinforce the dressing.
D. apply an abdominal binder.

Question # 12

A diet high in fiber content can help an individual to: 

A. lose body weight fast.  
B. reduce diabetic ketoacidosis.  
C. lower cholesterol.  
D. reduce the need for folate.  

Question # 13

While undergoing fetal heart monitoring, a pregnant Native-American woman requests thata medicine woman be present in the examination room. Which of the following is anappropriate response by the nurse?

A. “I will assist you in arranging to have a medicine woman present.”
B. “We do not allow medicine women in exam rooms.”
C. “That does not make any difference in the outcome.”
D. “It is old-fashioned to believe in that.”

Question # 14

Teaching about the need to avoid foods high in potassium is most important for which client?

A. a client receiving diuretic therapy
B. a client with an ileostomy
C. a client with metabolic alkalosis 
D. a client with renal disease

Question # 15

A client has been diagnosed with Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) andtransferred to the medical intensive care unit (ICU) subsequent to an acute bleedingepisode. In the ICU, continuous Heparin drip therapy is initiated. Which of the followingassessment findings indicates a positive response to Heparin therapy?

A. increased platelet count
B. increased fibrinogen
C. decreased fibrin split products
D. decreased bleeding

Question # 16

Why might breast implants interfere with mammography? 

A. They might cause additional discomfort.
B. They are contraindications to mammography.
C. They are likely to be dislodged.
D. They might prevent detection of masses.

Question # 17

What do the following ABG values indicate: pH 7.38, PO2 78 mmHg, PCO2 36mmHg, andHCO3 24 mEq/L?

A. metabolic alkalosis
B. homeostasis
C. respiratory acidosis
D. respiratory alkalosis

Question # 18

Which of the following statements, if made by the parents of a newborn, does not indicate a need for further teaching about cord care?

A. “I should put alcohol on my baby’s cord 3–4 times a day.”
B. “I should put the baby’s diaper on so that it covers the cord.”
C. “I should call the physician if the cord becomes dark.”
D. “I should wash my hands before and after I take care of the cord.” 

Question # 19

James returns home from school angry and upset because his teacher gave him a lowgrade on an assignment. After returning home from school, he kicks the dog. This copingmechanism is known as:

A. denial.
B. suppression.
C. displacement.
D. fantasy.

Question # 20

Which sign might the nurse see in a client with a high ammonia level? 

A. coma
B. edema
C. hypoxia
D. polyuria

Question # 21

Ashley and her boyfriend Chris, both 19 years old, are transported to the EmergencyDepartment after being involved in a motorcycle accident. Chris is badly hurt, but Ashleyhas no apparent injuries, though she appears confused and has trouble focusing on what isgoing on around her. She complains of dizziness and nausea. Her pulse is rapid, and sheis hyperventilating. The nurse should assess Ashley’s level of anxiety as:

A. mild.
B. moderate.
C. severe.
D. panic.

Question # 22

A client is complaining of difficulty walking secondary to a mass in the foot. The nurseshould document this finding as:

A. plantar fasciitis.
B. hallux valgus.
C. hammertoe.
D. Morton’s neuroma.

Question # 23

For a client with suspected appendicitis, the nurse should expect to find abdominaltenderness in which quadrant?

A. upper right
B. upper left
C. lower right
D. lower left

Question # 24

Which is the proper hand position for performing chest vibration? 

A. cup the hands
B. use the side of the hands
C. flatten the hands
D. spread the fingers of both hands

Question # 25

Which of the following physical findings indicates that an 11–12-month-old child is at riskfor developmental dysplasia of the hip?

A. refusal to walk
B. not pulling to a standing position
C. negative Trendelenburg sign
D. negative Ortolani sign

Question # 26

The kind of man who beats a woman is:

A. from a minority culture in a low-income group.
B. from a majority culture in a middle-income group.
C. one who was never allowed to compete as a child.
D. from any walk of life, race, income group, or profession.

Question # 27

Which of the following conditions is mammography used to detect?

A. pain
B. tumor
C. edema
D. epilepsy

Question # 28

High uric acid levels can develop in clients who are receiving chemotherapy. This can be caused by: 

A. the inability of the kidneys to excrete the drug metabolites.
B. rapid cell catabolism.
C. toxic effects of the prophylactic antibiotics that are given concurrently.
D. the altered blood pH from the acid medium of the drugs.

Question # 29

Which of the following foods might a client with a hypercholesterolemia need to decrease his or her intake of?

A. broiled catfish
B. hamburgers
C. wheat bread
D. fresh apples

Question # 30

A client comes to the clinic for assessment of his physical status and guidelines for startinga weight-reduction diet. The client’s weight is 216 pounds and his height is 66 inches. Thenurse identifies the BMI (body mass index) as:

A. within normal limits, so a weight-reduction diet is unnecessary.
B. lower than normal, so education about nutrient-dense foods is needed.
C. indicating obesity because the BMI is 35.
D. indicating overweight status because the BMI is 27.

Question # 31

Which of the following ethnic groups is at highest risk in the United States for pesticiderelated injuries?

A. Native American
B. Asian-Pacific
C. Norwegian
D. Hispanic 

Question # 32

A client, age 28, was recently diagnosed with Hodgkin’s disease. After staging, therapy is planned to include combination radiation therapy and systemic chemotherapy with MOPP— nitrogen mustard, vincristine (Onconvin), prednisone, and procarbazine. Inplanning care for this client, the nurse should anticipate which of the following side effectsto contribute to a sense of altered body image?

A. cushingoid appearance
B. alopecia
C. temporary or permanent sterility
D. pathologic fractures

Question # 33

A nurse observes a client sitting alone and talking. When asked, the client reports that he is “talking to the voices.” The nurse’s next action should be: 

A. touching the client to help him return to reality.
B. leaving the client alone until reality returns.
C. asking the client to describe what is happening.
D. telling the client there are no voices. 

Question # 34

Which of the following foods is a complete protein?

A. corn
B. eggs
C. peanutsDsunflower seeds

Question # 35

An elderly client denies that abuse is occurring. Which of the following factors could be a barrier for the client to admit being a victim?

A. knowledge that elder abuse is rare
B. personal belief that abuse is deserved
C. lack of developmentally appropriate screening tools
D. fear of reprisal or further violence if the incident is reported 

Question # 36

A pregnant Asian client who is experiencing morning sickness wants to take ginger torelieve the nausea. Which of the following responses by the nurse is appropriate?

A. “I will call your physician to see if we can start some ginger.” 
B. “We don’t use home remedies in this clinic.”
C. “Herbs are not as effective as regular medicines.”
D. “Just eat some dry crackers instead.”