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Read this scenario thoroughly, and then answer each that displays on the right side of the screen.An architect proposes these products for a customer who wants a wireless and wired upgrade:1. Aruba 2930M switches at the access layer2. Aruba 5406R switches at the core3. Aruba AP-325s4. Aruba 7205 Mobility Controllers (MCs), deployed in a cluster5. Aruba Mobility Master (MM)6. Aruba ClearPass Cx000V7. Aruba AirWareThe architect also needs to propose a security plan for the solution. The customer has 900 employees and upto 30 guests a day. The customer wants to protect the internal perimeter of the network with authentication andsimple access controls. The customer is most concerned about wireless security, but also wants to ensure thatonly trusted users connect on the wire. However, the customer also wants all wired traffic to be forwardedlocally on access layer switches. The customer already has a third-party firewall that protects the data center.The customer wants to use certificates to authenticate user devices, but is concerned about the complexity ofdeploying the solution. The architect should recommend a way to simplify. For the most part users connectcompany-issued laptops to the network. However, users can bring their own devices and connect them to thenetwork. The customer does not know how many devices each user will connect, but expects about two orthree per-user. DHCP logs indicate that the network supports a maximum of 2800 devices.Refer to the provided scenario. Which ClearPass licenses should the architect include in the proposal?
A. 1,000 Access licenses and 1000 Onboard licenses
B. 1,000 Access licenses and 3,000 (3x1000) Onboard licenses
C. 3,000 Access licenses (3x1000) and 1000 Onboard licenses
D. 3,000 Access licenses and 3,000 (3x1000) Onboard licenses
Read this scenario thoroughly, and then answer each that displays on the right side of the screen.An architect proposes these products for a customer who wants a wireless and wired upgrade:1. Aruba 2930M switches at the access layer2. Aruba 5406R switches at the core3. Aruba AP-325s4. Aruba 7205 Mobility Controllers (MCs), deployed in a cluster5. Aruba Mobility Master (MM)6. Aruba ClearPass Cx000V7. Aruba AirWareThe architect also needs to propose a security plan for the solution. The customer has 900 employees and upto 30 guests a day. The customer wants to protect the internal perimeter of the network with authentication andsimple access controls. The customer is most concerned about wireless security, but also wants to ensure thatonly trusted users connect on the wire. However, the customer also wants all wired traffic to be forwardedlocally on access layer switches. The customer already has a third-party firewall that protects the data center.The customer wants to use certificates to authenticate user devices, but is concerned about the complexity ofdeploying the solution. The architect should recommend a way to simplify. For the most part users connectcompany-issued laptops to the network. However, users can bring their own devices and connect them to thenetwork. The customer does not know how many devices each user will connect, but expects about two orthree per-user. DHCP logs indicate that the network supports a maximum of 2800 devices.Refer to the provided scenario. Based on the plan for wired authentication, what is a correct plan for wired userVLANs?
A. use the MCs to assign wired users to their VLANs, and extend the VLANs to a Layer 3 switch connected tothe MC
B. specify the VLANs in network policies on AirWare, and ensure that both the switches and MCs aremanaged by AirWare
C. assign wired users to different VLANs from wireless users, based on port or role assignments on accesslayer switches. Extend the VLANs to the core.
D. configure the same roles on switches and MCs to place wired and wireless users in the same VLANs.Extend VLANs from access layer switches to the core.
Read this scenario thoroughly, and then answer each that displays on the right side of the screen.An architect proposes these products for a customer who wants a wireless and wired upgrade:1. Aruba 2930M switches at the access layer2. Aruba 5406R switches at the core3. Aruba AP-325s4. Aruba 7205 Mobility Controllers (MCs), deployed in a cluster5. Aruba Mobility Master (MM)6. Aruba ClearPass Cx000V7. Aruba AirWareThe architect also needs to propose a security plan for the solution. The customer has 900 employees and upto 30 guests a day. The customer wants to protect the internal perimeter of the network with authentication andsimple access controls. The customer is most concerned about wireless security, but also wants to ensure thatonly trusted users connect on the wire. However, the customer also wants all wired traffic to be forwardedlocally on access layer switches. The customer already has a third-party firewall that protects the data center.The customer wants to use certificates to authenticate user devices, but is concerned about the complexity ofdeploying the solution. The architect should recommend a way to simplify. For the most part users connectcompany-issued laptops to the network. However, users can bring their own devices and connect them to thenetwork. The customer does not know how many devices each user will connect, but expects about two orthree per-user. DHCP logs indicate that the network supports a maximum of 2800 devices.Refer to the provided scenario.Which solution should the architect recommend on the 2930M switches to authenticate and control wiredemployee devices?
A. MAC-Auth on edge ports and no tunneled node
B. 802.1X on edge ports and per-user tunneled node
C. 802.1X on edge ports and no tunneled node
D. Mac-Auth on edge ports and per-user tunneled node