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Your customer wants a new server tor a File & print workload.What are the most important factors to consider?(Select two.)
A. support level
B. power supply wattage
C. storage capacity
D. transfer rate
E. form factor
Whichcombination ofHPE solutions can providedata validation on MSL3040 andLTO-9cartridges?
A. HPE Command View for Tape Libraries and HPE TapeAssure Advanced
B. Library and Tape Tools and HPF StoreEver TapeAssure Advanced Software
C. HPE Command View for Tape Libraries and HPE StoreEver Data Verification
D. HPE Command View for Tape Libraries and Library and Tape Tools
Your customer needs to accelerate the performance Of theirDL380 Gen10 servers runningworkloads on more active cores athigher Clockfrequencies. The customer wants to know ifCore Boosting willhelp.What advice Should you provide?
A. It is only supportedon ProLiantDL Gen11servers.
B. It is a software solution andhas performance limitations.
C. It is only supported on certain Intel processors.
D. It is an AMD technology so it is unavailable to them
you are preparing a proposal to refresh your customers existing OL380 GE and G7 serversWith newer generations. Before making a decision, your customer needs to know if arefresh is worth the cost.Which option show the value of the purchase to your customer?
A. Solution sales Enablement Tool
B. selective Storage presentation
C. TCO/ROI Calculator
D. Smart CID
What does an SSD wear Gauge define?
A. Remaining lifetime for the SSD drive
B. Type of technology used within the SSD drive
C. Type of interface used for the SSD drive
D. Maximum speed of the SSD drive