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Most of our customers choose Dumpsspot's VA-002-P study guide that contains questions and answers that help them to pass the exam on the first try. Out of them, many have passed the exam with a passing rate of 98% to 100% by just training online.
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Which auth method is ideal for machine to machine authentication?
A. GitHub
B. UserPass
C. AppRole
D. Okta
When Vault is sealed, which are the only two options available to a Vault administrator? (select two)
A. rotate the encryption key
B. unseal Vault
C. view the status of Vault
D. configure policies
E. author security policies
F. view data stored in the key/value store
After creating a dynamic credential on a database, the DBA accidentally deletes the credentials on the database itself. When attempting to remove the lease, Vault returns an error stating that the credential cannot be found. What command can be run to coerce Vault to remove the secret?
A. vault lease -renew
B. vault lease revoke -force -prefix
C. vault revoke -apply
D. vault lease revoke -enforce
What type of token does not have a TTL (time to live)?
A. default tokens
B. parent tokens
C. user tokens
D. root tokens
E. expired tokens
F. child tokens
An application is trying to use a secret in which the lease has expired. What can be done in order for the application to successfully request data from Vault?
A. request a new secret and associated lease
B. try the expired secret in hopes it hasn't been deleted yet
C. request the TTL be extended for the secret
D. perform a lease renewal