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CyberArk CAU302 Exam Dumps

CyberArk Defender + Sentry

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Total Questions : 237
Update Date : December 01, 2024
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CAU302 Dumps

Dumpsspot offers the best CAU302 exam dumps that comes with 100% valid questions and answers. With the help of our trained team of professionals, the CAU302 Dumps PDF carries the highest quality. Our course pack is affordable and guarantees a 98% to 100% passing rate for exam. Our CAU302 test questions are specially designed for people who want to pass the exam in a very short time.

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CyberArk CAU302 Sample Questions

Question # 1

The vault does not support Role Based Access Control


Question # 2

The Remote Desktop Services role must be properly licensed by Microsoft.


Question # 3

One can create exceptions to the Master Policy based on ____________. 

A. Safes
B. Platforms
C. Policies
D. Accounts

Question # 4

Which of the following statements are NOT true when enabling PSM recording for a target Windows server? 

A. The PSM software must be installed on the target server.
B. PSM must be enabled in the Master Policy (either directly, or through exception).
C. PSMConnect must be added as a local user on the target server.
D. RDP must be enabled on the target server.

Question # 5

It is possible to disable the Show and Copy buttons without removing the Retrieve permission on a safe. 


Question # 6

During LDAP/S integration you should specify the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the Domain Controller.


Question # 7

Which of the following options is not set in the Master Policy? 

A. Password Expiration Time
B. Enabling and Disabling of the Connection Through the PSM
C. Password Complexity
D. The use of “One-Time Passwords”

Question # 8

When on-boarding accounts using Accounts Feed, which of the following is true? 

A. You must specify an existing Safe where the account will be stored when it is on-boarded to the Vault.
B. You can specify the name of a new safe that will be created where the account will be stored when it is onboarded to the Vault.
C. You can specify the name of a new Platform that will be created and associated with the account.
D. Any account that is on-boarded can be automatically reconciled regardless of the platform it is associatedwith.

Question # 9

The Vault Internal safe contains the configuration for an LDAP integration. 


Question # 10

PSM captures a record of each command that was issued in SQL Plus. 


Question # 11

What is the purpose of the Allowed Safes parameter in a Central Policy Manager (CPM) policy? (Choose all that apply.)

A. To improve performance by reducing CPM workload.
B. To prevent accidental use of a policy in the wrong Safe.
C. To allow users to access only the passwords they should be able to access.
D. To enforce Least Privilege in CyberArk.

Question # 12

The Vault Internal safe contains all of the configuration for the vault.