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Which of the following command line tools would be BEST to identify the services running in a server?
A. Traceroute
B. Nslookup
C. Ipconfig
D. Netstat
A security administrator has received multiple calls from the help desk about customers who are unable to access the organization's web server. Upon reviewing the log files the security administrator determines multiple open requests have been made from multiple IP addresses, which is consuming system resources. Which of the following attack types does this BEST describe?
B. DoS
C. Zero day
D. Logic bomb
A user loses a COPE device. Which of the following should the user do NEXT to protect the data on the device?
A. Call the company help desk to remotely wipe the device.
B. Report the loss to authorities
C. Check with corporate physical security for the device.
D. Identify files that are potentially missing on the device.
Which of the following should a technician use to protect a cellular phone that is needed for an investigation, to ensure the data will not be removed remotely?
A. Air gap
B. Secure cabinet
C. Faraday cage
D. Safe
A network administrator is implementing multifactor authentication for employees who travel and use company devices remotely by using the company VPN. Which of the following would provide the required level of authentication?
A. 802.1X and OTP
B. Fingerprint scanner and voice recognition
D. Username/Password and TOTP
A transitive trust:
A. is automatically established between a parent and a child.
B. is used to update DNS records.
C. allows access to untrusted domains.
D. can be used in place of a hardware token for logins.
An organization's Chief Executive Officer (CEO) directs a newly hired computer technician to install an OS on the CEO‘s: personal laptop. The technician performs the installation, and a software audit later in the month indicates a violallon of the EULA occurred as a result. Which of the following would address this violation going forward?
A. Security conguration baselinn
B. Separation of duties
A company wants to provide centralized authentication for its wireless system. The wireless authentication system must integrate with the directory back end. Which of the following is an AAA solution that will provide the required wireless authentication?
The security office has had reports of increased tailgating in the datacenter. Which of the following controls should security put in place?
A. Mantrap
B. Cipher lock
C. Fingerprint scanner
D. Badge reader
To reduce costs and overhead, an organization wants to move from an on-premises email solution to a cloud-based email solution. At this time, no other services will be moving. Which of the following cloud models would BEST meet the needs of the organization?
A. MaaS
B. IaaS
C. SaaS
D. PaaS
A public relations team will be taking a group of guests on a tour through the facility of a large e-commerce company. The day before the tour, the company sends out an email to employees to ensure all whiteboards are cleaned and all desks are cleared. The company is MOST likely trying to protect against.
A. loss of proprietary information
B. damage to the company's reputation
C. social engineering
D. credential exposure
A company needs to fix some audit findings related to its physical security. A key finding was that multiple people could physically enter a location at the same time. Which of the following is the BEST control to address this audit finding?
A. Faraday cage
B. Mantrap
C. Biometrics
D. Proximity cards
An incident responder is preparing to acquire images and files from a workstation that has been compromised. The workstation is still powered on and running. Which of the following should be acquired LAST?
A. Application files on hard disk
B. Processor cache
C. Processes in running memory
D. Swap space
As part of a corporate merger. two companies are combining resources. As a result, they must transfer files through the internet in a secure manner. Which of the following protocols would BEST meet this objec1ive?(Select TWO)
Exploitation of a system using widely known credentials and network addresses that results in DoS is an example of:
A. improper error handling.
C. default configurations.
C. untrained users
D. lack of vendor support
An organization discovers that unauthorized applications have been installed on company-provided mobile phones. The organization issues these devices, but some users have managed to bypass the security controls. Which of the following Is the MOST likely issue, and how can the organization BEST prevent this from happening?
A. The mobile phones are being infected Willi malware that covertly installs the applications. Implement
full disk encryption and integrity-checking software.
B. Some advanced users are jailbreaking the OS and bypassing the controls. Implement an MDM solution
to control access to company resources.
C. The mobile phones have been compromised by an APT and can no longer be trusted. Scan the devices
for the unauthorized software, recall any compromised devices, and issue completely new ones.
D. Some advanced users are upgrading the devices' OS and installing the applications. The organization
should create an AUP that prohibits this activity.
A systems engineer is configuring a wireless network. The network must not require installation of third-party software. Mutual authentication of the client and the server must be used. The company has an internal PKI. Which of the following configuration should the engineer choose?
A security analyst is investigating a call from a user regarding one of the websites receiving a 503: Service Unavailable error. The analyst runs a netstat -an command to discover if the web server is up and listening. The analyst receives the following output:TCP TIME_WAITTCP TIME_WAITTCP TIME_WAITTCP TIME_WAITTCP TIME_WAITTCP TIME_WAITWhich of the following types of attack is the analyst seeing?
A. Buffer overflow
B. Domain hijacking
C. Denial of service
D. ARP poisoning
A technician is designing a solution that will be required to process sensitive information, including classified government data. The system needs to be common criteria certified. Which of the following should the technician select?
A. Security baseline
B. Hybrid cloud solution
C. Open-source software applications
D. Trusted operating system
A computer forensics team is performing an integrity check on key systems files. The team is comparing the signatures of original baseline les with the latest signatures. The original baseline was taken on March 2, 2016. and was established to be clean of malware and uncorrupted. The latest tile signatures were generated yesterday. One file is known to be corrupted, but when the team compares the signatures of the original and latest ies, the team sees theFollowing:Original: 2d da b1 4a fc f1 98 06 b1 e5 26 b2 df e5 5b 3e cb 83 e1Latest: 2d da b1 4a 98 fc f1 98 bl e5 26 b2 df e5 5b 3e cb 83 e1Which of the following is MOST likely the situation?
A. The forensics team must have reverted the system to the original date. Which resulted in an identical hash calculation?
B. The original baseline was compromised, so the corrupted le was always on the system.
C. The signature comparison is using two different algorithms that happen to have generated the same values.
D. The algorithm used to calculate the hash has a collision weakness, and an attacker has exploited it.
A company is performing an analysis of the corporate enterprise network with the intent of identifying any one system, person, function, or service that, when neutralized, will cause or cascade disproportionate damage to the company’s revenue, referrals, and reputation. Which of the following is an element of the BIA that this action is addressing?
A. Identication of critical systems
B. Single point of failure
C. Value assessment
D. Risk register
A security analyst wants to limit the use of USB and external drives to protect against malware. as well as protect les leaving a user’s computer. Which of the following is the BEST method to use?
A. Firewall
B. Router
C. Antivirus software
D. Data loss prevention
Which of the following BEST describes the concept of perfect forward secrecy?
A. Using quantum random number generation to make decryption effectively impossible
B. Preventing cryptographic reuse so a compromise of one operation does not affect other operations
C. Implementing elliptic curve cryptographic algorithms with true random numbers
D. The use of NDAs and policy controls to prevent disclosure of company secrets
An organization requires that all workstations he issued client computer certicates from the organization‘s PKI. Which of the following congurations should be implemented?
A Chief Security Officer's (CSO's) key priorities are to improve preparation response, and recovery practices to minimize system downtime and enhance organizational resilience to ransomware attacks. Which of the following would BEST meet the CSO's objectives?
A. Use email-filtering software and centralized account management, patch high-risk systems, and restrict
administration privileges on fileshares.
B. Purchase cyber insurance from a reputable provider to reduce expenses during an incident
C. Invest in end-user awareness training to change the long-term culture and behavior of staff and
executives, reducing the organization's susceptibility to phishing attacks
D. Implement application whitelisting and centralized event-log management and perform regular testing
and validation of full backups.
When building a hosted datacenter. Which of the following is the MOST important consideration for physical security within the datacenter?
A. Security guards
B. Cameras
C. Secure enclosures
D. Biometrics
A security administrator plans to conduct a vulnerability scan on the network to determine if system applications are up to date. The administrator wants to limit disruptions to operations but not consume too many resources. Which of the following types of vulnerability scans should be conducted?
A. Credentialed
B. Non-Intrusive
D. Port
Which of the following is the MOST likely motivation for a script kiddie threat actor?
A. Financial gain
B. Notoriety
C. Political expression
D. Corporate espionage
Which of the following BEST explains the reason why a server administrator would place a document named password.txt on the desktop of an administrator account on a server?
A. The document is a honeyfile and is meant to attract the attention of a cyberintruder.
B. The document is a backup file if the system needs to be recovered
C. The document is a standard file that the OS needs to verify the login credentials.
D. The document is a keylogger that stores all keystrokes should the account be compromised.
Which of the following needs to be performed during a forensics investigation to ensure the data contained in a drive image has not been compromised?
A. Follow the proper chain of custody procedures.
B. Compare the image hash to the original hash.
C. Ensure a legal hold has been placed on the image.
D. Verify the time offset on the image file.
A technician is required to configure updates on a guest operating system while maintaining the ability to quickly revert the changes that were made while testing the updates. Which of the following should the technician implement?
A. Snapshots
B. Revert to known state
C. Rollback to known configuration
D. Shadow copy
A security administrator wants to determine if a company's web servers have the latest operating system and application patches installed. Which of the following types of vulnerability scans should be conducted?
A. Non-credentialed
B. Passive
C. Port
D. Credentialed
E. Red team
F. Active
A security consultant is analyzing data from a recent compromise. The following data points are documentedAccess to data on share drives and certain networked hosts was lost after an employee logged in to an interactive session as a privileged user.The data was unreadable by any known commercial software.The issue spread through the enterprise via SMB only when certain users accessed data.Removal instructions were not available from any major antivirus vendor.Which of the following types of malware is this example of‘?
B. Ransomware
C. Backdoor
D. Keylogger
E. Worm
An employee opens a web browser and types a URL into the address bar. Instead of reaching the requested site, the browser opens a completely different site. Which of the following types of attacks have MOST likely occurred? (Choose two.)
A. DNS hijacking
B. Cross-site scripting
C. Domain hijacking
D. Man-in-the-browser
E. Session hijacking
A small business just recovered from a ransomware attack against its file servers by purchasing the decryption keys from the attackers. The issue was triggered by a phishing email and the IT administrator wants lo ensure il does not happen again. Which of the following should the IT administrator do FIRST after recovery?
A. Scan the NAS for residual or dormant malware and take new dally backups that are tested on a frequent basis.
B. Restrict administrative privileges and patch all systems and applications.
C. Rebuild all workstations and Install new antivirus software.
D. Implement application whitelisting and perform user application hardening.
A systems administrator is increasing the security settings on a virtual host to ensure users on one VM cannot access information from another VM. Which of the following is the administrator protecting against?
A. VM sprawl
B. VM escape
C. VM migration
D. VM sandboxing
A systems administrator needs to configure an SSL remote access VPN according to the following organizational guidelines: * The VPN must support encryption of header and payload.* The VPN must route all traffic through the company's gateway.Which of the following should be configured on the VPN concentrator?
A. Full tunnel
B. Transport mode
C. Tunnel mode
D. IPSec
Joe, an employee, asks a coworker how long ago Ann started working at the help desk. The coworker expresses surprise since nobody named Ann works at the help desk. Joe mentions that Ann called several people in the customer service department 10 help reset their passwords over the phone due to unspecied “server issues.‘ Which of the following has occurred?
A. Social engineering
B. Whaling
C. Watering hols attack
D. Password cracking
A security specialist is notified about a certificate warning that users receive when using a new internal website. After being given the URL from one of the users and seeing the warning, the security specialist inspects the certificate and realizes it has been issued to the IP address, which is how the developers reach the site. Which of the following would BEST resolve the issue?
A customer calls a technician and needs to remotely connect to a web server to change some code manually. The technician needs to configure the user's machine with protocols to connect to the Unix web server, which is behind a firewall. Which of the following protocols does the technician MOST likely need to configure?
A developer is building a new web portal for internal use. The web portal will only the accessed by internal users and will store operational documents. Which of the following certicate types should the developer install if the company is MOST interested in minimizing costs?
A. Wildcard
B. Code signing
C. Root
D. Self-signed
A company has migrated to two-factor authentication for accessing the corporate network, VPN, and SSO. Several legacy applications cannot support multifactor authentication and must continue to use usernames and passwords. Which of the following should be implemented to ensure the legacy applications are as secure as possible while ensuring functionality? (Select TWO).
A. Privileged accounts
B. Password reuse restrictions
C. Password complexity requirements
D. Password recovery
E. Account disablement
A preventive control differs from a compensating control in that a preventive control is:
A. put in place to mitigate a weakness in a user control.
B. deployed to supplement an existing control that is EOL.
C. relied on to address gaps in the existing control structure.
D. designed to specifically mitigate a risk.
A network administrator needs to restrict the users of the company's WAPs to the sales department. The network administrator changes and hides the SSID and then discovers several employees had connected their personal devices to the wireless network. Which of the following would limit access to the wireless network to only organization-owned devices in the sales department?
A. Implementing MAC filtering
B. Reducing the signal strength to encompass only the sales department
C. Replacing the APs and sales department wireless cards to support 802.11b
D. Issuing a BYOD policy
An organization has hired a security analyst to perform a penetration test. The analyst captures 1GB worth of inbound network traffic to the server and transfers the pcap back to the machine for analysis. Which of the following tools should the analyst use to future review the pcap?
A. Nmap
C. Netcat
D. Wireshark
A security administrator suspects an employee has been emailing proprietary information to a competitor. Company policy requires the administrator to capture an exact copy of the employee's hard disk. Which of the following should the administrator use?
A. dd
B. chmod
C .dnaenum
D. logger