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CIW 1D0-525 Exam Dumps

CIW v5 E-Commerce Designer

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Total Questions : 144
Update Date : December 01, 2024
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1D0-525 Dumps

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Most of our customers choose Dumpsspot's 1D0-525 study guide that contains questions and answers that help them to pass the exam on the first try. Out of them, many have passed the exam with a passing rate of 98% to 100% by just training online.

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  • The 1D0-525 PDF is for the candidates who aim to pass the CIW Certification exam in their first attempt.
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CIW 1D0-525 Sample Questions

Question # 1

You will be hiring someone to localize your e-commerce site in order to reach a specific audience.Which of the following is most essential for the person you hire to effectively complete the job?

A. The ability to communicate clearly with the team that created the site
B. An understanding of the scripting language and database type used on the site
C. An understanding of the language and culture of the audience you want to reach
D. An understanding of the importance of the just-in-time (JIT) process to the company

Question # 2

You are transitioning from a traditional ''brick-and-mortar storefront that accepts credit cards to anew e-commerce storefront. Which payment method would be most appropriate during thetransition?

A. Cash on delivery (c.o.d.)
B. Open Buying on the Internet (OBI)
C. Credit card with offline processing
D. Advance payment using check or money order

Question # 3

Which technology provides channel security (privacy and authentication) through encryption, andreliability through a message integrity check (secure hash functions)?


Question # 4

Marty included a banner ad for her online MP3 player store on a music download Web site. Shefound that 72 percent of users who visited the site via banner ad clickthrough became customers.Which of the following is the term for this percentage?

A. Exposure rate
B. Purchase rate
C. Conversion rate
D. Clickthrough rate

Question # 5

You are running a site that provides e-learning services to several Fortune 100 companies. Thissite is available at the following location: www.appliedlearningservices.com. A new customerwants to access the same server at a new name: www.als1.com. Which type of DNS entry shouldbe created?

A. A