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If SecureXL is disabled which path is used to process traffic?
A. Passive path
B. Medium path
C. Firewall path
D. Accelerated path
In which VPN community is a satellite VPN gateway not allowed to create a VPN tunnel with another satellite VPN gateway?
A. Pentagon
B. Combined
C. Meshed
D. Star
Traffic from source is going to www.google.com. The Application Control Blade on the gateway is inspecting the traffic. Assuming acceleration is enabled which path is handling the traffic?
A. Slow Path
B. Medium Path
C. Fast Path
D. Accelerated Path
What is the difference between SSL VPN and IPSec VPN?
A. IPSec VPN does not require installation of a resilient VPN client.
B. SSL VPN requires installation of a resident VPN client.
C. SSL VPN and IPSec VPN are the same.
D. IPSec VPN requires installation of a resident VPN client and SSL VPN requires only an installed Browser.
What is the command to check the status of Check Point processes?
A. top
B. cptop
C. cphaprob list
D. cpwd_admin list
What cloud-based SandBlast Mobile application is used to register new devices and users?
A. Check Point Protect Application
B. Management Dashboard
C. Behavior Risk Engine
D. Check Point Gateway
In a Client to Server scenario, which represents that the packet has already checked against the tables and the Rule Base?
A. Big l
B. Little o
C. Little i
D. Big O
What are the three components for Check Point Capsule?
A. Capsule Docs, Capsule Cloud, Capsule Connect
B. Capsule Workspace, Capsule Cloud, Capsule Connect
C. Capsule Workspace, Capsule Docs, Capsule Connect
D. Capsule Workspace, Capsule Docs, Capsule Cloud
GAiA Software update packages can be imported and installed offline in situation where:
A. Security Gateway with GAiA does NOT have SFTP access to Internet
B. Security Gateway with GAiA does NOT have access to Internet.
C. Security Gateway with GAiA does NOT have SSH access to Internet.
D. The desired CPUSE package is ONLY available in the Check Point CLOUD.
Full synchronization between cluster members is handled by Firewall Kernel. Which port is used for this?
A. UDP port 265
B. TCP port 265
C. UDP port 256
D. TCP port 256
Which packet info is ignored with Session Rate Acceleration?
A. source port ranges
B. source ip
C. source port
D. same info from Packet Acceleration is used
Fill in the blank: The tool _____ generates a R80 Security Gateway configuration report.
A. infoCP
B. infoview
C. cpinfo
D. fw cpinfo
What is the valid range for VRID value in VRRP configuration?
A. 1 - 254
B. 1 - 255
C. 0 - 254
D. 0 - 255
What two ordered layers make up the Access Control Policy Layer?
A. URL Filtering and Network
B. Network and Threat Prevention
C. Application Control and URL Filtering
D. Network and Application Control
What is the order of NAT priorities?
A. Static NAT, IP pool NAT, hide NAT
B. IP pool NAT, static NAT, hide NAT
C. Static NAT, automatic NAT, hide NAT
D. Static NAT, hide NAT, IP pool NAT
Which tool provides a list of trusted files to the administrator so they can specify to the Threat Prevention blade that these files do not need to be scanned or analyzed?
A. ThreatWiki
B. Whitelist Files
C. AppWiki
D. IPS Protections
If there are two administration logged in at the same time to the SmartConsole, and there are objects locked for editing, what must be done to make them available or other administrators? (Choose the BEST answer.)
A. Publish or discard the session.
B. Revert the session.
C. Save and install the Policy.
D. Delete older versions of database.
What is the difference between an event and a log?
A. Events are generated at gateway according to Event Policy
B. A log entry becomes an event when it matches any rule defined in Event Policy
C. Events are collected with SmartWorkflow form Trouble Ticket systems
D. Log and Events are synonyms
Which of the following is a task of the CPD process?
A. Invoke and monitor critical processes and attempts to restart them if they fail
B. Transfers messages between Firewall processes
C. Log forwarding
D. Responsible for processing most traffic on a security gateway
GAIA greatly increases operational efficiency by offering an advanced and intuitive software update agent, commonly referred to as the:
A. Check Point Update Service Engine
B. Check Point Software Update Agent
C. Check Point Remote Installation Daemon (CPRID)
D. Check Point Software Update Daemon
After verifying that API Server is not running, how can you start the API Server?
A. Run command "set api start" in CLISH mode
B. Run command "mgmt__cli set api start" in Expert mode
C. Run command "mgmt api start" in CLISH mode
D. Run command "api start" in Expert mode
By default how often updates are checked when the CPUSE Software Updates Policy is set to Automatic?
A. Six times per day
B. Seven times per day
C. Every two hours
D. Every three hours