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Blue-Prism AD01 Exam Dumps

Blue Prism Accredited Developer Exam

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Update Date : October 01, 2024
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Blue-Prism AD01 Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which of the following statements regarding the use of Worker Queues are correct? (select 2 responses)

A. Control Room allows filtering of the displayed queue items using exact tags and by using wildcards
B. Wildcards are not allowed in the Tag Fitter property of the Work Queues business object Get Next Item action
C. Work Queue item Status can only be set to Completed or Exception
D. Tags can be used allow flexibility in the order items are worked within a single Work Queue

Question # 2

Which of the following can you perform in Control Room? (select all that apply)

A. Refresh a Work Queue
B. Create a Work Queue
C. Encrypt a Work Queue
D. Rename a Work Queue

Question # 3

A process has been created but it is not listed in Control Room. The following reasons have been suggested. 1. The process uses objects with different run modes 2 The process has not been published 3. Process validation shows more than 99 errors4. The user does not have privileges to run processes in Control Room?  Which of the above could cause the process not to be visible in Control Room?

A. 1 and 2
B. 2 only
C. 2 and 3
D. 1 and 4

Question # 4

The Work Queue "Customer Onboarding' has a number of Pending Items which may be tagged as "Domestic", "Retail" or "Business" There is also a tag for the 8 digit product code formatted as "Product Code: {product code}" e.g. Product Code: CA123456. What is the correct configuration to get the next item from the queue that: • Isn't applying for a loan product i.e. Product Code doesn't begin with "LN"  And • Is a domestic customer

A. Configure "Domestic; -Product Code: I_N"" in the Tag Filter parameter
B. Configure "Domestic; -Product Code: LN?" in the Tag Filter parameter
C. Configure 'Domestic and Product Code <> LN?" in the Tag Filter parameter
D. Configure "Domestic + [Product Code] <> LN*”” in the Tag Filter parameter

Question # 5

When configuring an object's run mode which of the following is true?

A. Setting the run mode to foreground will give the object priority over the target system ahead of any other Business Object.
B. Setting the run mode to exclusive will ensure only one process runs on that resource at a time.
C. Setting the run mode to background will enable the object to run at the same time as foreground and background objects on the same resource.
D. Leaving the run mode blank will allow any number of processes and objects to run at the same time on the same resource.

Question # 6

You identify an element in Application Modeller and it highlights uniquely and can be used in your object flow diagram. The next day you find that Blue Prism cannot no longer identify the same element, your object flow is giving you 'Element not found' exceptions. Which of the following statements is true?

A. This must be an environment issue. The Blue Prism environment must be consistent and persistent, and an element that worked one day and does not work the next day suggests the environment is changeable. The IT team supporting the environment needs to be contacted to fix the problem.
B. The Blue Prism product support team should be contacted to report the issue. This signifies an inconsistency in how the Blue Prism product is working which needs to be fixed.
C. This suggests that Best Practice exception handling has not been implemented in the object. A retry loop around the object stages that are using the element will probably fix the problem
D. It is common for consistency issues to be found during configuration/development testing. The most likely cause is that an attribute has been selected for the element that is changeable, such as a window title with a date, or a URL The developer needs to ensure that any changeable attributes are unticked.

Question # 7

What is the Blue Prism Application Navigator

A. It is the spy tool that you drag around the application to identify attributes.
B. It is part of the zoom tool in Process and Object Studio that allows you to instantly jump to different parts of the process map
C. It is the Studio list side-bar of Process and Objects
D. It is Application Modeller functionality to create an application's entire element tree that when selected will highlight individual elements in the application.

Question # 8

What is the syntax for using a collection field in an expression?

A. Like this MyCollection(MyField)
B. Like this MyCollection[MyField]
C. Like this [MyCollection[MyField]]
D. Like this MyCollection.MyField
E. Like this [MyCollection.MyField]

Question # 9

Which of the following about an object's run mode is true?

A. A run mode of background will enable the business object to run at the same time as other foreground business objects
B. A run mode of background will enable the business object to run at the time a other background, foreground and exclusive business objects
C. A run mode of exclusive cannot at the same time as any other business object
D. The run mode of a business object has no influence on how many business objects can be run at the same time