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Amazon MLA-C01 Exam Dumps

Certified Machine Learning Engineer - Associate

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Amazon MLA-C01 Sample Questions

Question # 1

What is NOT a pre-defined Sage Maker’s IAM policy?

A Data Scientist
B Data Engineer Access
C Amazon Sage Maker Full Access
D Administrator Access

Question # 2

John wants to automate the process of discovering, classifying, and protecting the data he uses in his job as a Machine Learning Engineer. Data is stored in AWS S3 buckets. Which AWS service could help him achieve this?

A Amazon Macie
B Amazon Defense
C Amazon Sabre
D Amazon Mace

Question # 3

A software company was contracted to develop an application that counts concert-goers at sports arena entrances and then deploy the app in real-time on Nvidia Jetson Nano devices. A developer team at the company will write a custom Amazon Sage maker model, train the model once using Amazon Neo and then run it at the edge.  What are the main advantages of using Amazon Neo? (Name TWO.)

A Required framework memory is reduced 10x.
B Inference can use A/B testing.
C ML model can run on multiple hardware platforms.
D Input data can be pre-processed on EMR cluster.
E VPN security is enhanced

Question # 4

A medical startup company wants to develop an automated workflow to search publicly available libraries of small molecules for potential drug discoveries. The input dataset will be sent to S3, resources and a high-throughput screen will be configured and then scheduled, and screening jobs will run next. The results will be stored on S3 for further analysis and human inspection. What is the BEST way to implement this workflow?

A Use Custom Python Scripts
B AWS Sage Maker
C Use AWS Batch
D Leverage Amazon Medical

Question # 5

Smaller ML models with limited datasets could fit on one or multiple GPUs within a server. Training of complex machine learning models with significant data consumption though could take weeks to complete. Today, ML teams at large businesses are testing and using distributed techniques. Choose one option for distributed Deep Learning Framework.

A  Writing code in Scala.
B  Using Distributed Gradient Framework.
C  Using Tensor Flow and dedicated parameter server processes.
D  Using Flow Torch Library.

Question # 6

Jim, an author of a well-known Machine Learning blog, is preparing to write a series of introductory articles about Data Visualization and Exploratory Data Analysis. He will be addressing an audience who has a background in Python programming. What could be the potential topics for his Python articles?

A Pandas, data bricks and gg plot
B Dataset, bokei, and plotly
C NumPy, pandas, and quick sight
D Panda data frames, Matplotlib, and seaborn

Question # 7

Which probability distribution would describe the likelihood of a person contracting an infectious disease?

A Degenerate distribution
B Poisson distribution
C Binomial distribution
D Rademacher distribution

Question # 8

A Data Scientist working at a hospital has found that  75% of patients suffering from a certain disease will die of it. He was asked to calculate the probability that of four randomly selected patients, two patients will recover. What probability distribution should he use?

A Binomial Distribution
B Laplace Distribution
C Poisson Distribution
D Gaussian Distribution

Question # 9

You work for a financial company that has to process petabytes of data every week. The workflow you are developing has to be scalable and run in a time-efficient manner. What AWS Framework will you likely be using?

A Apache Hadoop
B AWS Cloud Formation
C Apache Pig
D AWS Maxi

Question # 10

A small start-up company is developing hydroponics micro-greens kits and wants to automate the tasks of data collection. Data is received from sensors in real-time and needs to be transformed. What is the easiest way to process and store these data?

A Capture sensor data using Kinesis Data Streams, process with Kinesis Data Analytics and store to S3 bucket.
B Store the data to Aurora RDS and transform with SQL script.
C Use EC2 script to process data and store the results on EBS.
D Use EMR to transform the sensor data and store to Amazon Redshift.

Question # 11

A Machine Learning Engineer is evaluating the model performance of the binary classification problem with very unbalanced classes. What tool would be appropriate to use?

A Precision--Recall Curve
B ROC Curve
C Classification Curve
D Mis-classification Curve

Question # 12

An investment team is receiving a stream of the company’s economic and financial performance data in JSON format, containing a large number of features such as a stock price, trading volume, market cap, inflation rate, and more. They wish to query this data and visualize it, in a manner as efficient and cost-effective as possible, without managing any servers in the process. Which would be the best workflow to meet these criteria?

A Use Kinesis Data Streams to store the data in S3. Use Splunk to do data conversion and Tableau to visualize and analyze the data.
B Use Apache Kafka to capture and transform the data stream, then enable Quick Sight to analyze and visualize the data.
C Use Kinesis Firehose to convert the data to Parquet format and store it in an S3 data lake. Use a Glue crawler, Athena, and Quick Sight to analyze and visualize the data.
D Write a custom Py Spark code, run it on EC2 instance and capture, transform, store, and analyze the data stream in nearly real time, and present results in dashboard format.

Question # 13

A Machine Learning Engineer has developed a CNN image segmentation model based on Tensor Flow and has deployed it on Sage Maker endpoint. The deployment uses a single GPU and the input data size is now becoming a limiting factor in processing. What is the easiest way to distribute the model to multiple GPU’s?

A Deploy your model behind a network load balancer.
B Wrap your code inside Py Spark.
C Use Py Torch library instead of Tensor Flow.
D Use Horovod distributed deep learning framework

Question # 14

Company executives are concerned that their ML data and deployed ML models might not be fully secure. What are TWO ways to secure a Sagemaker notebook?

A Enable S3 lifecycle policies.
B Use MFA for each account.
C Set up API and user activity logging with AWS Cloud Trail.
D Set up CORS for each account.

Question # 15

A Machine Learning Specialist needs to prepare multiple million-record datasets using both structured and unstructured data sources. The datasets will be passed as inputs to multiple ML models. What is the SIMPLEST tool to manage this workflow?

A  Amazon Translate
B  AWS Batch
D  AWS Step Functions

Question # 16

Joanne is confused about the meaning of ROC (receiver-operating-characteristic). What terms should she google to find out more?

A. ROC Curve discrimination threshold
B. ROC Curve multi-class discrimination
D. ROC Rekognition

Question # 17

The cloud concept of ‘Defense in Depth’ refers to layering multiple security controls together in order to provide redundancy in case a single security control fails. Two categories of AWS security controls enabling defense in depth are Preventive Controls and Detective Controls. What controls belong to a preventive category? (Choose THREE.)

A. Fine-grained Audits
B. Configuration Drift
C. Data Protection (Encryption and Tokenization)
E. Hardware Infrastructure Security

Question # 18

An outdoor company is developing a smartphone app that will use image classification to distinguish between edible mushrooms and poisonous varieties. The most important feature is, obviously, not to misidentify a poisonous mushroom. What figure of merit should a Data Scientist focus on in this situation? (Choose TWO.)

A  Accuracy
B F1
C Misstep value
E Maximize True Negatives

Question # 19

A company wants to bring cloud programming and functionality to their manufacturing facility. The developer team wants to use AWS IoT service that enables devices to communicate even when an Internet connection is not available. Which device in the facility the appropriate AWS software must be installed on?

A IoT Bridge
B AWS Relay 
C AWS Cloud Connector
D Green Grass Core 

Question # 20

A Machine Learning Specialist is preparing CSV dataset that will be stored on S3. He plans to use the Sagemaker notebook to define and train the ML model on that input data. What should he do to ensure the Sagemaker instance has access to training data?

A  Add Sage maker Gateway to S3 partition.
B Define Sage maker role and add S3FullAccess to that role.
C Attach default Sage maker IAM user to S3 object.
D Do nothing -- Sage maker by default has read access to S3

Question # 21

A Business Analyst is explaining the cost advantages of AWS BI services to his supervisor. What is the AWS QuickSight pricing model for the Enterprise Edition users?

A  Authors pay $18/month, Readers pay $0.30/session.
B There is no associated cost.
C Free Tier is available for first 12 months.
D Cost calculated per hour of usage.

Question # 22

A software company was contracted to develop an application that counts concert-goers at sports arena entrances and then deploys the app in real-time on Nvidia Jetson Nano devices. Which AWS services will this development need?

A  AWS Machine Learning, AWS Counter
B  AWS Shift Count, AWS Neo
C  AWS Deep Lens, AWS Polly
D  AWS Sage maker, AWS Neo

Question # 23

A network monitoring service generates an average of 10 TB of record logs per minute. An IT Security team wants to query these logs using Amazon Athena. Due to the large number and size of the files, the queries are slow and the team is asked to improve the performance. How should the records be stored in Amazon S3 to improve the query performance?

A Use YAML formatting
B RecordIO
C Parquet files
D CSV files

Question # 24

A small start-up company developing hydroponics micro-greens wants to automate the tasks of daily data collection. What is the best way to store data and organize the sensor data?

A Use Amazon Redshift and unique sensor table. Add a date stamp to each record.
B Reserve EC2 instances and run a nightly Python script. Store results on EFS storage.
C Backup data hourly into Amazon Aurora RDS into individual sensor tables.
D Use bucket partitions on S3 organized by month-date-hour-minute.

Question # 25

Is it possible to have validation loss lower than training loss when training a custom deep neural network?

A Yes, but only for a simple single-layer feed-forward neural network.
B No, it is impossible.
C Yes, there could be several reasons for that behavior.
D Yes, but only for a sigmoid activation function.

Question # 26

YouTube author is developing a video channel for Machine Learning Academy. He is making a video about Latent Dirichlet Allocation Algorithm. Which playlist should he put the video in?

A Generative Time Series
B Image Recognition
C LTSM Networks
D Natural Language Processing

Question # 27

A Machine Learning Engineer is working for a hunting company and is tasked to develop a computer vision model that detects a deer in the frame as well as their distance from the camera. There are currently no pre-build algorithms like that available in AWS. What are his best choices?

A Use company's existing algorithms and fine-tune them.
B Wait for the algorithm to become available on AWS Marketplace.
C Combine the existing algorithms to achieve that functionality.
D Build his algorithm in a docker container and use then use Sage maker for training and inference instances.

Question # 28

An intern, working a summer job for a Data Analytics company, has been given access to a data set that contains images, PowerPoint files, tables and news articles. Which data type does this data belong to?

A Hybrid data
B Amazon RDB data
C Amazon Redshift
D Unstructured data

Question # 29

What are the benefits of using AWS IoT Green Grass to extend AWS to edge devices so they can act locally on the data they generate, while still using the cloud for management, analytics, and durable storage (name TWO)?

A Respond to local events in near real-time.
B Operate offline.
C Use ML algorithms on multiple GPUs.
D Choose custom AMIs from AWS Marketplace.
E Deploy VPN frameworks.

Question # 30

The value of the reference line area under the ROC curve (AUC) is:

A 0.5
B 1
C User-defined
D 0

Question # 31

An ML team is discussing the original amazon.com recommendation algorithm. They would like to propose to their client, who owns an online store, to use that algorithm as a recommendation engine. What method are they talking about?

A AWS Proposal
B Neural Topic Algorithm
C Amazon Choice
D Collaborative Filtering

Question # 32

A Real Estate mogul is seeking an ML expert who will develop an AI algorithm to identify under-priced properties. What algorithm(s) should he consider if a goal is to have a working model as soon as possible?

A  Amazon Machine Learning
B Amazon Forecast
C AWS Homes
D Amazon Real Estate

Question # 33

What are synonyms for Recall? (Choose TWO.)

A Specificity
B True Positive Rate
C Calling Rate
D Two-Call
E Sensitivity

Question # 34

What does the following S3 bucket policy do? {  “Id”:”PolicyId2?,  “Version”:”2012-10-17?,  “Statement”:[    {      “Sid”:”AllowI Pmix”,      “Effect”:”Allow”,      “Principal”:”*”,      “Action”:”s3:*”,      “Resource”:”arn:aws:s3:::examplebucket/*”,      “Condition”: {        “IpAddress”: {          “aws:SourceIp”: [            “”,            “2001:DB8:1234:5678::/64”          ]        },        “NotIp Address”: {          “aws:SourceIp”: [             “”,             “2001:DB8:1234:5678:ABCD::/80”          ]        }      }    }

A Denies all public access to S3 bucket example bucket/
B Allows Read/Write S3 bucket access only from a specific PC.
C Makes all S3 buckets private.
D Allows S3 bucket access from a specific mix of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses.